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    Re: Cause of Potato Famine & Why Its Coming Back

    Posted by Deborah on 12/30/09

    The clown car made its exit and left one behind. I have my files too, not to mention the
    people who were there in court.

    BTW, the constables showed up and told me to take all the time I needed in moving as the
    court house was abuzz with the ruling in that matter. And I did.

    Do you believe the paper trail to have been eradicated? Were there tapes of the court

    Your make-up is running..and your nose askew.

    On 12/30/09, Mike B. wrote:
    > The webmaster can do whatever s/he likes to. I have a file full of your malicious,
    > defamatory remarks from this web site, as well as the previous web site on which you also
    > posted the same lies.
    > You have already sworn to these same baseless accusations, but a court found you were not
    > credible. You had no evidence, and the court made note of that, too, when it ruled against
    > you.
    > Copy anyone you want.
    > On 12/30/09, Deborah wrote:
    >> I have had a reply from the gentleman you refer to, and he claims to not know you and
    >> not be related to you. I have taken the liberty of saving all of your posti

    >> Are you hoping I'll ask the webmaster to remove the posts for you?
    >> Everything I stated is a fact and the truth and I have no problem swearing to it any
    >> time or place.
    >> I have cc'd everyone, including law enforcement.
    >> On 12/30/09, Mike B. wrote:
    >>> There you go with your unsubstantiated, libelous and slanderous accusations, again. IF
    >>> (BIG "IF") Danny ever takes your calls, make sure you copy him with everything.
    >> Lawyers
    >>> hate surprises. I hear his son is in trouble with the Louisiana disciplinary counsel,
    >>> again. See you in court!
    >>> On 12/30/09, Deborah wrote:
    >>>> I have made only truthful statements about you and the incidents that took place.
    >>>> You made unauthorized entries into my apartment. You failed to tell me of defects in
    >>>> the building, including gas leaks. You used outdoor paint indoors. You asked me to
    >>>> sign another lease while I was ill telling me you would use it as collateral to
    >>>> purchase another piece of property. You replaced an Entergy gas meter after it was
    >>>> pulled by Entergy due to it failing a leak down test performed by an Entergy employee
    >>>> before any repairs were begun and without authorization by DPW and/or Entergy. You
    >>>> had previously trained as a plumber/pipefitter but were not currently employed as such
    >>>> ( I don't know if you maintained licensure, as I recall, not ). The professional
    >>>> plumbers found over a dozen leaks throughout the system. You filed an eviction
    >>>> proceeding against me based on NO LEASE. Repairs uncovered an abandoned septic tank
    >>>> still connected in some way to the house and placed a gas line directly over the open
    >>>> hole, a violation of code.
    >>>> My copy of the lease mysteriously vanished from the top of my refrigerator on a day I
    >>>> came home to find my door unlocked and ajar. A neighbor said that you were seen at
    >>>> the dwelling that day. I found a copy of the lease you said did not exist.
    >>>> I was ill, homeless, concerned for my child's health and well-being, unable to afford
    >>>> an attorney, the attorney friend who accompanied me to court later declined to be
    >>>> involved due to his prior work for many area landlords and his feeling that all
    >>>> attempts were futile as I lacked the financial resources to pursue the matter
    >>>> including filing a suspensive appeal of the eviction while paying rent on two places.
    >>>> I still pursued it on my own as long as I was able.
    >>>> I have contacted Daniel B and ccd the correspondence to others.
    >>>> On 12/30/09, Mike B. wrote:
    >>>>> You're the one who asked about the FEMA trailer litigation! Follow the thread, or
    >>>>> is that too much to ask? Oh well, it doesn't matter. You will never provide proof
    >>>>> of anything you claim on this board, including the knowingly false allegations you
    >>>>> have made about me for years. Go Danny.
    >>>>> On 12/30/09, Deborah wrote:
    >>>>>> How were any of your remarks and/or questions relevant to me and this board,
    >>>>> Mikey?
    >>>>>> Should I call Daniel B and ask him to have a look at this?
    >>>>>> Which people are you referring to that I might have a problem with, people like
    >>>>> you?
    >>>>>> On 12/30/09, Mike B. wrote:
    >>>>>>> I didn't ask why it was "relevant". I asked how being related to some lawyer
    >>>>>>> makes me somehow involved with his lawsuits? Typical of your hysteria and BS,
    >>>>>>> you don't have an answer that makes any sense.
    >>>>>>> To address your second illogical rant, you obviously have a problem with those
    >>>>>>> people, don't you?
    >>>>>>> On 12/30/09, Deborah wrote:
    >>>>>>>> Just as relevant as your tossing in names of people uninvolved with ANY of
    >>>>>>>> this...following your lead.
    >>>>>>>> Are you drinking and snorting again?
    >>>>>>>> On 12/30/09, Mike B. wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> If I was, how in the world does that make me involved in any FEMA trailer
    >>>>>>>>> litigation? Are you smoking, again?
    >>>>>>>>> On 12/30/09, Deborah wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>> So you are not related to Daniel B of the same surname?
    >>>>>>>>>> On 12/30/09, Mike B. wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>> I have nothing to do with any of that.
    >>>>>>>>>>> On 12/29/09, Deborah wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, the class action over the formaldehyde and FEMA trailers...
    >>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/29/09, Mike B. wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>> Which FEMA trailer suit are you referring to?
    >>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/28/09, Deborah wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorry, I realize that might be over your head, I just thought
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> you'd realize it and have enough sense to let someone else
    >>>>>>>>>>>>> respond...
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, maybe you were responding to Sharon's post rather than mine?
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey, how did that FEMA trailer suit work out?
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/28/09, Mike B. wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do you make the leap to the conclusion that the
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potato famine is coming back?
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/27/09, Deborah wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Malaria, potato famine pathogen share surprising trait
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pathogen-share-surprising-trait
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 12/27/09, Sharon wrote:
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .html
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (NaturalNews) Researchers have sequenced the genome of the
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fungus responsible for the Great Irish Potato Famine in the
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1800s, uncovering the reason that the organism continues to
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> plague potato farmers to this day.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "This pathogen has an exquisite ability to adapt and
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change, and that's what makes it so dangerous," said lead
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> researcher Chad Nusbaum of the Broad Institute in
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cambridge, Mass.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The organism, known as Phytophthora infestans, is a type of
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> water mold that continues to cost potato farmers billions
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of dollars every year. It prefers cool, wet climates and is
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> capable of destroying entire fields of potatoes and
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tomatoes within only a few days. In 2003, P. infestans
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> destroyed Papua New Guinea's entire potato crop.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The mold evolves resistance to antifungal sprays with
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> astonishing speed. In just the last few years, potato
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> farmers in the United Kingdom have increased chemical
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spraying by 30 percent in an attempt to hold the organism
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at bay, and the ongoing blight in Ireland has been
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> called "the worst in living memory," according to the BBC.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> According to information published in the journal Nature,
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> P. infestans' genome is especially large, at least twice as
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> long as the genetic code of its closest relatives. Some
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regions of the genome are particularly dense, containing
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many genes in a small area, while others are much less
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dense. It is these gene-light areas that may hold the key
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the organism's adaptability: more than 700 key genes
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were mapped in these regions, some of them coding for
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attacks on potatoes' immune systems.
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "The regions change rapidly over time, acting as a kind of
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> incubator to enable the rapid birth and death of genes that
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are key to plant infection," said co-lead author Brian
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Haas. "As a result, these critical genes may be gained and
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lost so rapidly that the hosts simply can't keep up."
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Modern agriculture has exacerbated the problem, said Paul
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Birch of the Scottish Crop Research Institute. Widespread
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of chemicals encourages pest evolution, while
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> genetic standardization of food crops makes them more
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vulnerable to infestation.

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