Re: Kelman v Kramer ruling 12.29.09
Posted by johncodie on 1/08/10
You obviously have hit a big bump in the road and hit your head on the roof. Do you seriously think
a winning attorny is going to take his own time, none billable hours and solicit a appelate court,
court, judicial system to reverse the decision of a 12 person jury because you want them to live up
to their ethical oath of practice. They can cast you as the wicked witch of the west before the
witness stand and only is only required to ammend testimony if he knows that it is false. You got
sucker punched, hookwinked by your own attorny as to who you should be angry at.
Oh brave soul your trial is on the backburner of a already overly stressed court system. Califorina
is nearly out of money, and you continue to ask the poor for more so you can save face for your
visions of going to Washington during the Obama Adminsistration. The free ride is over.
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