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    Re: Kelman v Kramer ruling 12.29.09

    Posted by Sharon on 1/08/10

    Oh, okay. Now I get it.

    You are a self professed loser who thinks any of these poor people who have been injured by mold should not
    attempt to fight for their rights and you believe that you are helping them by telling them they are a hopeless
    lot who should just accept their position in life and not get upity. Never mind that alot of these people would
    not even have sick children or be broke IF someone had made them aware that poor indoor air quality can severely
    adversely impact one's life.

    Okay, now I get it. You have lost all hope in your life, but need to control something and as such, think it is
    your responsibility to deem that all others are obligated to do the same.

    I must have missed your answer. Tell me again, if you are so over this issue then why are you still here posting


    On 1/08/10, johncodie wrote:
    > On 1/08/10, Sharon wrote:
    >> Time for one more before my private jet arrives. Ya know, like all of us people from Ole Miss have that you
    >> hate so much. lol
    >> Question: If you are so over this issue and have wistfully and wisely moved on with your wonderful life,
    >> then why are you even here daily making these foolish posts?
    >> Face it, John. You have some very deeply seeded misperceptions in life and what brought you to first start
    >> attacking me was your bizarre hatred for anyone who went to Ole Miss, especially women...which would lead me
    >> to believe you were a jilted and scarred beau in your younger day by someone who probably goes by the name
    > of
    >> Missy or Adalaide. No wait...LaVerne.
    > Im glad you can admit to the glory of yesterday! Hotty Toddy still remains but the band can't play the
    > support to the crowd "The South will Rise Again". You probaly don't know it but there are some folks that
    > will bear "Ole Miss" tags, memorbillia, buy season tickets, and have never attended the first class there. I
    > guess its the misguided impression that anything or everything perpoted to come from Ole Miss is destined to
    > greatness. No hatred, wistfullness, lady, or kinfolk from Ole Miss or other that stirs the soul.
    > It is for all those misguided individuals that don't have bus fare to the next day of work do I see possibly
    > viewing your post of claiming to win a new day in appeals court as anything to claim victory. Of couse they
    > are willing for you to come up with additional documentation you seem to not be able to find since it doesn't
    > exist. Don't give false hope to those who desparatly need to know the odds of winning; when you have aleady
    > lost on a continuing basis. And obvously have no hope on winning on appeal.

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