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    Re: Kelman v Kramer ruling 12.29.09

    Posted by Mike B. on 1/08/10

    John Codie:

    Did someone call Sharon a "cyberstalker"? I always thought she suffered from transference.

    On 1/08/10, johncodie wrote:
    > On 1/08/10, Sharon wrote:
    >> Oh, okay. Now I get it.
    >> You are a self professed loser who thinks any of these poor people who have been injured by mold should not
    >> attempt to fight for their rights and you believe that you are helping them by telling them they are a hopeless
    >> lot who should just accept their position in life and not get upity. Never mind that alot of these people would
    >> not even have sick children or be broke IF someone had made them aware that poor indoor air quality can severely
    >> adversely impact one's life.
    >> Okay, now I get it. You have lost all hope in your life, but need to control something and as such, think it is
    >> your responsibility to deem that all others are obligated to do the same.
    >> I must have missed your answer. Tell me again, if you are so over this issue then why are you still here
    > posting
    >> daily?
    >> Sharon
    > Anything but a loser, but I work with kin folk in a plant, not far from where you were raised. We commute and
    > have a viable business supporting the defense industry. I pass those less fortunate that either walk, or catch
    > the metro bus that are also gain fully employed. Perhaps I would be better off without the commute and would
    > prefer using the metro. What you have missed is wealth, or being poor has little to do with common sense. The
    > abiltiy to think clearly the intentions of others, or continued outcome. Being upity is an state of mind having
    > reflection on ones intelligence. I wouldn't class people I am, came from, and family to are "these people". You
    > over emphasis indoor air quality as the reason an individual is homeless, or the source of their childrens illness.
    > I am not the individual that appears to have prematurly aged 20 years, and have had such a drastic change in my
    > appearnce. I have no intentions of controlling you. Your totally lost in a dozen banker's boxes of legal papers
    > your trying to arrange for your attorny to lower the cost of next round of litigation. Your plane your waiting
    > for is your next smoke break outside. I want the individual that think they have a good chance of breaking even
    > in litigation over toxic mold air to go outside and take a few breaths to clear the head; and make interior home
    > changes to improve upon their health.
    > Your group is tainted in validity, and don't have any supporting data. You would have won hands down with the
    > jury if you had any credible evidence of having a winning team. What you have not come to terms with is you lost
    > by a large majority.

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