Re: Kelman v Kramer ruling 12.29.09
Posted by Rem Dude on 1/19/10
Sharon Kramer is now giving lessons on libel???!!! Has the world suddenly stopped
turning, are pigs flying, are snowballs being formed in the Oval Office? What’s
next, an anti-smoking campaign or how to sell real estate in a down market?
Kramer once again proves there is no bottom to the hypocrisy crater. Sharon, you
need some time off to reflect. I would suggest a decade or two. You and reality are
not orbiting in the same space/time continuum.
On 1/18/10, Sharon wrote:
> Your post tells me you have no knowledge of libel law or what constitutes libel
> with actual malice, or what constitutes strategic litigation against public
> participation.
> have been of great benefit in the past week or so of reminding me what
> objections must be overcome and what the perception biases of the case are.
> Never mind. Your questions are too goofy. Will share the final product when
> finished. Both mine and Kelman's.
> On 1/18/10, johncodie wrote:
>> On 1/18/10, Sharon wrote:
>>> JC,
>>> No! Not "priveleged communication". Privilege. The issue of Privilege.
>>> Meaning was it a fair reporting of the events that transpired in a legal
>>> proceeding involving a semi-public figure. New York Times v. Sullivan.
>>> Gerts.
>>> And did errors in the MSJ rulings and anti-SLAPP rulings cause an unnecessary
>>> trial.
>>> And can one legally use criminal perjury to establish a false reason for why
>>> they were purportedly accused of criminal perjury. NOPE!
>>> You are starting to remind me of Rosanne Rosanna Dana.
>>> "priveleged communication.....never mind"
>> Either what it is "WAS" or what it "IS" the tort is of record from your
>> actions. Your defense is then journalistic fair reporting of Court Transcripts
>> as opposed to you being at the trail and are the best listener as a witness. I
>> would think a court reporter with a backup tape recorder be the best at quoting
>> what Mr. Kelman said.
>> And I don't understand your previous comments as to your Proving something?
>> Fair Reporting isn't the sceince of theory and duplication of results. You
>> don't have a jury to convience so there is no proof. In your own words:
>> "I am claiming and PROVING I wrote the truth about testimony given in a legal
>> proceeding.
>> "Upon viewing documents presented by the Hayne's attorney of Kelman's prior
>> testimony from a case in Arizona, Dr. Kelman altered his under oath statements
>> on the witness stand."
>> Sharon"
>> In the the word selection "wrote the truth about testimony" implies you made
>> some interpretations of the meaning of words transcribed. Was there any verdict
>> written to anybody or group as to "crime" "perjury" etc.
>> Wouldn't good journalistic style be Dr. Kelman made clarifications to previous
>> statements of fact based upon recently found information?
>> I can't believe you really expected a summary judgement to keep you out of a
>> jury trial. You also claim in your defense that you don't, and never had mailce
>> for Mr. Kelman. Even in the word selections you present of the man show your
>> contempt. You demenor shows you want him charged, convicted and taken to jail.
>> I'm faily sure the court will not allow you to set a precedence in this case, as
>> they were compasionate and only awarded him one dollar. However, you don't get
>> the right to rewrite what you want in a court transcript to suit your agenda.
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