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    Re: Kelman v Kramer ruling 12.29.09

    Posted by johncodie on 1/19/10

    On 1/19/10, Sharon wrote:
    > JC,
    > "In our american history and democracy what case, before there was case law, was the
    > foundation for our first admendment? Who was the defendant? Who was the plantiff?
    > Who was the sucessful defendants lawyer? Where did he go to school? And what legal
    > description of attorneys did his sucessful defense coin a popular sterotypical phase?"
    > I don't know the answer to the above of how the First Amendment came to be, but would
    > like to.
    > "Sharon could this be your defense?"
    > Ultimately yes. But only part of it. Its more than that and has to do with fair reporting
    > of a legal proceeding ie, "privilege".
    If you don't know the history of the laws and constitutional foundations as to who brought
    forth the rights to free speech and free press and don't have the brief time to look it
    up ; there should be no need for you to continue in your effort to reverse judgement at
    trial, or declare anything more in public. For those who know the answers you have just
    convienced every historian of deomocracy or of the legal profession you are truely at a
    disadvantage at winning any judgement in your favor.

    What ever you argue has no merit. Perhaps some of your friends that are history teachers
    could help you out in a time of need.

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