Re: Kelman v Kramer ruling 12.29.09
Posted by Sharon on 1/20/10
JC, Nope. You are way off base. Guess again. On 1/20/10, johncodie wrote: > On 1/20/10, Sharon wrote: >> Oh really? Care to put a wager on it? I will give you a hint: You can't use criminal perjury >> to "legally" prove you were maliciously accused of criminal perjury, particularly if you are > an >> author of US public health policy papers for the US Chamber of Commerce, et al. That is >> called "strategically and criminally litigating with further criminal intent" >> > > You will have to give context to who "you" is as if is a attorney in a trail, an expert > witness, and "legally" in what context? > > Your mind is truly twisted right now. > > I know for a fact that attorneys for industry use to litigate all the time over patent > infringements just because it was good busniness practices. It didn't matter if they had a case > or not; They make money in litigation. It might be using the courts for their financial gain, > but they always have access to the court system just like you. > > > Are you going deeper and deeper in a world of killing all the officials of the court because > they are criminally engaging in strategical litigation for future criminal intent of more > litigation. Perhaps we should warn potential law students and others in your community of this > perception of "SCLWFCI" > >
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