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    Re: Need to find someone to take my black mold case.

    Posted by Laura B. on 2/06/10

    Thx for the response. I did join that group. If I get
    someone to take my case, this is going to be tricky. At the
    time of filing a claim, I did not know that my insurance
    agency and agent was also that same company and agent that my
    landlord had. Now how is a insurance company going to handle
    that one?

    I could have file a lawsuit against my landlord right away for
    breaking Tenant/landlord laws and Enviromental laws but my
    husband wasn't for it. By the time that he saw I was getting
    so sick and agreed to a lawsuit, almost 3 years had passed.
    My that time I couldn't even hardly remember how to balance my
    checkbook, little lone get an attorney.

    The symptons didn't start showing up right away. It was one
    symptom after another over the last few years. I kept a
    written journal and a photo journal of what was going on on
    the outside of my body from rahses to tiny red spots going
    from my neck dwon to my ankles.

    There ought to be a law change on time limits for this. Its
    been 4.5 years and my daughter is finally seeing that she is
    having memory and other health problems now too.

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