Re: Need to find someone to take my black mold case.
Posted by Deborah on 2/14/10
Was the mold sampled and identified at any time by an accredited laboratory? Do you have
medical records that state, categorically, that the mold made you ill?
As for the landlord and his employee, they were negligent by anyone standards. There are so
many variables, no one here could give you answers to the many questions that need to be
asked and answered which is why you would need to consult with an attorney.
Unless you have deep pockets and can endure many, many years of hardship, stress and
deprivation knowing that you may lose it all, JC's advice to you is well-intentioned. The
time, effort and money would be better spent on rebuilding your life and health. Just my
honest opinion.
On 2/13/10, LJB wrote:
> I kept a written journal and photos of what I was going thru (physically, mentally,
> emotionally), what my landlord was doing or not doing to clean this up (he left for South
> America for 3 weeks instead of getting someone to start cleaning up the mess), what the
> adjuster wasn't doing (he left for 2 weeks of deer hunting), what the contractor was and
> wasn't doing right according to the insurance company, etc. This happened in July 05 and
> the contractors didn't get in to start the work until Jan 06, then left and didn't come
> back until the last of March 06 to finish.
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