Post: Newly we ds chased from their home by mold
Posted by sharon on 2/06/10
New lywed s chased from their home by mold, bacteria
Builder Online
www.builderonline .co m/mold/newlyweds- chased-from-their-
home-by-mold-bacteria .asp x
"We were on cloud nine," said Danielle Beety, a first-grade
teacher who also coached high school field
hockey. "Everything was going completely great," added
David Beety, a mort gage lo an origi nator.
That lasted two weeks.
Suddenly, Danielle Beety was stricken with severe throat
pain and developed flulike symptoms. Her baffled doctors
ordered myriad tests. Three times they admitted her to
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. She
required two operations to remove a 5-centimeter abscess
inside her neck.
Chin S. Yang, an internationally known microbiologist with
Pres tige Enviro Microbiology la boratory in Voorhees, sees
a link between the housing boom and an uptick in
environmental-health issues similar to what the Beetys
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