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    Re: Huffington Post~Melinda Balllard's Father Passed Away

    Posted by JohnCodie on 2/17/10

    I appreciate the information, it serves as a reminder as
    fortunate an individual might be in building a family
    fortune and providing the family with the fortitude to
    continue with his/her legacy. Like the popular movie the
    Titanic money follows money and so like the real estate
    business, im sure there are the faithful followers of those
    who saw retail headed to shopping malls in the early years.
    Money didn't save the rich on the Tatantic but it gave them
    an advantage to the lower class trapped/locked below the
    waterline. Its true the award was greatly reduced and more
    political actions in favor in the insurance industry was
    provided by the State of Texas. Was it the Ballards were
    Democratic living in a Repulican state? Who knows what
    entailed those many miles of tavel miles of sales. Mr.
    Ballard seems to have had the gift for making the sale.
    Good for him, we need more sales people like him today. I
    hear to many relative say they just can't sell anything in
    todays economy. Obviously they are'nt trying. Three cheers
    for the Ballards for continuing inspite of being told "No".

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