Re: Mauriice Murphy , 109,500 miles Bike to Work
Posted by johncodie on 2/24/10
From the Federal Tax Foundataion reporting, 1981 to 2005 Mississippi has received over twice the money it paid in Federal Taxes (24 years). California has been paying a lot more money in but doesn't get a return on its Federal Dollars; I would say it breaks even as paying just the right amount in, and not getting any money back. My question for California Citizens is how has the past five years been? My point is Mr. Murphy probably could have stayed at home, complained he had a work related illness, and had mold in the work place and his house, and wanted to sue, becuase he could not pay his bill. He lives in a state that gets 2 dollars for every dollar he pays; but he chose to commute about 30 miles a day, and not become a part of the dependent care nation this country has become. Doctors have declined in their work week from 54 hours to 51 hours due to limited pay from the insurance providers. With a California Governors Election coming up the word is 150 million dollar campaign is being considered from someone that has never been in politics vs. the former California Governor. California was breaking even way back then; how is going there now? Don't see that many biking to Ocean Side to catch Amtrak to San Diego to hold a minimum wage job? Whens the last time you walked on into town, rather than the automobile? Its not that far? With the Census coming be sure to look at the numbers. Those that want to retain the power sure are.
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