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    Re: Mauriice Murphy , 109,500 miles Bike to Work

    Posted by johncodie on 3/05/10

    On 3/04/10, Sharon wrote:
    > RemDude,
    > I read mold litigation summaries all the time. There is no doubt alot of scammers in
    > the remediation field. But, I have seen no cases of criminal activity by people
    > putting wet towels, etc. to fabricate a mold claim. Perhaps you can enlighten us with
    > evidence of this epidemic aka Urban Legend.
    > Your citing to Sam Zell's Equity Residential as a definative source of accurate and
    > scientific info over the mold issue, is pretty funny. Some day, I will let you in on
    > the inside joke...."My Dear".

    I provided you a credible source in the very proximity to dripping springs just after
    her huge award. These three indiviuals were each convicted of the crime. I provided
    you the reporter that had insight into the times and places as it is her community. The
    number of insurance mold cases increased in that one county by as much as 80 %. The
    insuance payout convienced the state of texas to allow mold coverage to be limited. Are
    you saying the Ballard Ice Maker flooded 60 to 100 square miles? I remember the drought
    that followed our huricane. So where did all of this moisture come from? Georges in 98
    drought the Ivan in Florida Pan Handel in 2003, Katrina in 2005. What hit Galveston but
    Andrew in 1992. That shouldn't have caused the mold pandemic; could it have been the
    mold award sparking gifted crooks into fast money. The numbers just doesn't support a
    natural occurance. Frankly alot of people come to this board looking for any attorny
    from the hey day that can get them some mold money; not realizing the loop holes have
    long been tied. As a result, most if not all can't get legitimate coverage for wind
    blown rain. ie. Katrina. Glad for the couple, hope they do settle for some of the money.


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