Post: Moldy Court & OSHA
Posted by Sharon on 3/20/10
SectionID=1&SubSectionID=1&ArticleID=35548 March 20, 2010
3/20/2010 1:34:00 PM
City settles with OSHA over court mold
By Jon Hutchinson
Staff Reporter
COTTONWOOD - The Cottonwood City Council has approved a
settlement with OSHA over the condition of the Cottonwood
Municipal Court building. Former employees of the court had
filed a complaint with the Occupational Safety and Health
The city had already confronted the mold problem in July
2009 after the judge and public works officials
investigated. The city sealed off two building additions
that were below grade and trapped moisture. Officials
determined the then-smaller facility should be returned to
the retail sector and Cottonwood should find a more
suitable court building.
OSHA issued Cottonwood two citations on Nov. 24.
The first citation identified the mold in the rear building
additions and in some files there.
The second citation referred to issues such clutter,
identification of exit doors and equipment labeling.
When the federal health officials met with the city,
Cottonwood had already taken steps to remedy the high
levels of mold in the additions. The city had decided to
abandon the old court building and move to the former
Carpet One showroom at Sixth and Mingus, opposite the Verde
Justice Court when that building had been remodeled.
OSHA agreed that as long as the plan goes forward on
schedule, a nominal settlement of a $500 fine would be
Two boxes of mold-bearing files were copied and
incinerated, according to instructions by the Arizona
Supreme Court and other non-critical.
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