Re: Healthcare Reform
Posted by Thomas Paine on 3/31/10
Well with AT&T, Caterpillar, AK Steel Holding and 3M announcing non-
cash expenses against earnings as a result of Barry’s health care
reform law, not sure the intended result was achieved. The new law
is on track to cost US corporations as much as $14 billion this year
alone. Since the economy does not operate in a vacuum (news to
Washington I am sure) this will result in layoffs, reduced payroll
taxes, and an acceleration in companies moving offshore.
The problem is not the evil insurance companies who typically net a
3.3% profit margin. The problem is there is no tort reform in this
bill. In fact, there is very little in the bill that will reduce
medical costs. With many doctors now threatening to quit their
practices, costs may in fact increase and delays in treatment will
most certainly increase.
This law is a perfect example of utopian dreams clashing with
reality. The ideologues and progressives in Washington who cannot
see beyond tomorrow’s headlines will soon face a very angry
electorate come November. With an influx of true Constitutional
patriots in Washington, de-funding the law will be the first step
followed by a repeal in 2012.
At least Jimmy Carter is happy he is no longer the worst President
in the history of our nation.
Thomas Paine
On 3/27/10, Sharon wrote:
> Thanks, Deborah. JC, the problem is that unlike other industries
> who increase their bottom line profits by satisfying and therefore
> growing their customer base; the insurance industy generates their
> bottom line profits by NOT taking care of their customers.
> And they have their fingers in many pies. Question: If health
> accounts for 1/6 of our nation's economy, what is the total
> percentage of our economy impacted by the insurance industry, not
> just health insurers? They don't just deny treatments that are
> based on accepted medical practice. They run the game on
> establishing what are established as acceptable medical
> There is alot of money going to alot of teaching hospitals that
> seem to "educate" in a manner favorable to insurers.
> Seems to me, we just gave them trillions of our tax dollars to pay
> for 30 million more guranteed clients for them, and we made a law
> that everyone in the US must pay to buy a service from a private
> entity, the insurance industry; based on the premise that, this
> time, they promise they will be good.
> Does anyone really believe that bottom line profits for their
> shareholders of the insurance industry will no longer take
> precedence over the clients they are guaranteed to have with us
> paying for it via our tax dollars?
> I think all this hoopla of them supposedly protesting healthcare
> reform was kinda like "Oh please, Mr. Obama. Don't throws me in
> the briar patch".
> And...the US Chamber of Commerce is already gearing up big time
> the Republicans to take back control of government. When that
> happens coupled with all the money we just allocated to the
> insurance industry; we might as well put an addition onto the oval
> office for the Executive Of The Insurance Industry Branch of
> Government.
> I sure hope I am wrong on this one!
> Sharon
> On 3/27/10, Deborah wrote:
>> well put and my take on it too.
>> On 3/25/10, Sharon wrote:
>>> I think their original intent was honorable and surely if you
>>> spend trillions of dollars something good will come of it,
>>> somewher along the line. But in general, I think they lost
>>> sight of the goal posts as they punted away our children's
>>> economic future to the players for the corporate team.
>>> Question: How do you punish the insurance industry for their
>>> past misdeeds of greed and corruption in health care, wrongful
>>> medical treatments, wrongful denials and undue influence over
>>> US health policies and practices; and provide safeguards in
>>> public health policy so that they do not practice these
>>> deceptive tactics in the future?
>>> Do you:
>>> A. Take the monopoly of control over healthcare away from them
>>> by adding competition to the equation that will force them to
>>> fulfill obligations to their clientele if they desire to keep
>>> their clients’ business - the basic principle of our economy?
>>> Or
>>> B. i.) Give them billions of taxpayer dollars; ii.) give them
>>> greater control over healthcare and the medical community to
>>> decide what is evidence based medical practices as a matter of
>>> policy; and iii.) force all US citizens to pay to participate
>>> in the "reformed" plan under threat that they will be
>>> financially penalized if they fail to do so?
>>> I would choose "A", but I think we just chose "B".
>>> Sharon
>>> On 3/25/10, Thomas Paine wrote:
>>>> The Cliff Note Version is - taxes will increase, medical
>>>> costs will increase and the quality of care will decrease.
>>>> Not even the guys who wrote the thing and voted on it have a
>>>> clue what’s in the bill or how it will be rolled out. Of
>>>> course, taxes will be collected long before We The People
>>>> understand how the system will work or IF it will work.
>>>> Big government for little sheeple - the incompetent leading
>>>> the blind. We The People are no longer relevant.
>>>> Thomas Paine
>>>> On 3/25/10, Deborah wrote:
>>>>> Anyone read the entire thing? Is there a Cliff Notes
>>>>> version?
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