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    Re: Healthcare Reform

    Posted by Sharon on 4/01/10


    Not be obtuse, intentional or otherwise. Of course I searched the net to find a
    legitimate source as reference for the 3 percent insurance profit mantra. I could not
    find one.

    Below is what I found as best from a statistical and numerical standpoint. Says health
    insurers parent companies are raking in record profits, Feb 2010.

    Perhaps you not realizing ALL the areas of your life and our economy as a whole that
    are greatly influenced by the influence of the insurance industry.

    Read today that they are going to be jumping strong into the multi-tenant housing
    lending game, now that Fannie and Freddie are flat.

    Again, I looked. I can find no legitimate source reference for that 3 percent profit
    figure. Just alot of regergitating of Faux News. Look it up yourself if you do not
    believe me. Let me know what you find.

    On 4/01/10, Thomas Paine wrote:
    > There are several Constitutional challenges to the health reform law. There are a
    > few brave and patriotic state Attorneys General who are launching a challenge.
    > Others seem more concerned with politics than their fiduciary duties to the state.
    > Hopefully, these cowards will be identified and voted out of office or fired as the
    > case may be - that includes Eric Holder.
    > The State Attorney General is our last line of defense from a runaway Federal
    > government who seems intent on trampling State Rights and the rights of citizens. In
    > one year, this administration has buried deeper the Constitution than the last five
    > administrations combined.
    > I am hopeful one day we can elect a true Libertarian to restore the Republic for
    > these are most assuredly dark, oppressive times.
    > Thomas Paine
    > On 4/01/10, johncodie wrote:
    >> Now that the United States is the business of Insurance rather than the States
    >> having the rights to regulate the insurance industry; there is a Constitutional
    >> Amendment that Limits the Size and/power of the government. That would be our
    >> preamble Bill of Rights. Insuance got around federal law when it was deemed as
    >> not having a monetary value, as a good that has value. There are State laws, and
    >> now federal laws on the interest rates, as there are regulator State laws as
    >> amounts that can be charged by franchises that don't have to compete.
    >> "Tort" reform was a need to stave off the litigation hell holes here in
    >> Mississippi as soon to be billon dollar judgements would be rendered. Many if not
    >> all wonderful doctors where on their way to respectful states.
    >> Now I can understand any company wanting to ensure a "profit" and 3&37; surely
    > would
    >> tied over a worker going into retirement if it would contine in interst payments.
    >> My brother in law is making millons selling policies. I would say the range is
    >> more in the line of 25&37; in a given year. Even in the Katrina payouts everyone
    > was
    >> making a profit.
    >> I can appreciate the 3&37; typical ploy but it doesn't make it for me. I did get
    >> approached from a former XYZ sales person trying to get gas money, ride another
    >> 100 miles down the road to be with his former wife. He was from the presidents
    >> town and I guess he got cut like alot of others. He told me what a standup
    >> citizen he was down on his luck, and how he sold this top brand of insurance that
    >> left me and my kids on the steps of bankrupcy for a few years. Should I say I
    >> reached in my pocket and couldn't even pull out a dime. When were down on our
    >> luck it just pours doesn't it.
    >> On 4/01/10, Sharon wrote:
    >>> Thomas,
    >>> Alot of common sense in what you say. But, I question your original premise.
    >>> Where are the statistics that support the proposition the insurance industry's
    >>> profits are only around 3&37;? Keep in mind that Big health insurance companies
    >> are
    >>> also property insurers, E & O insurers, etc, in most instances.
    >>> This 3&37; premise. The only friends of mine that quote that mantra are those
    >> that
    >>> watch Faux News. Do you know where this concept originated or where one can
    >> find
    >>> legitimate documentation to back up that proposition?
    >>> Not saying you are wrong. Just saying I can find nothing as a legitimate source
    >>> of reference for the insurance industry 3&37;, Republican buzz words mantra.
    >>> And, do you feel it is reforming the tort system for the US Chamber & Manhattan
    >>> Institute to list false physician authorship - on documents that are submitted
    >> to
    >>> courts to stave off financial liability for illness and injury?
    >>> Sharon

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