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    Re: Healthcare Reform

    Posted by Thomas Paine on 4/02/10

    OK, so you are not obtuse. Therefore, you must be either incompetent or disingenuous. If
    you had bothered to Google “insurance profits” you would have come across the following
    data on the first page of the search:

    2009 Numbers:

    Aetna Inc. (AET):
    Revenue: $32.67 Billion
    Profit Margin: 3.85%
    Net Profit: $1,257,795,000

    Unitedhealth Group, Inc. (UNH):
    Revenue: $84.27 Billion
    Profit Margin: 4.14%
    Net Profit: $3,488,778,000

    Tenet Healthcare Corp (THC):
    Revenue: $8.89 Billion
    Profit Margin: 2.63%
    Net Profit: $233,807,000

    You do know the difference between Gross Profit and Net Profit do you not???

    And if you still wish to play coy, you can pull the data from the Internet, however,
    since you may be Internet challenged, you can simply request the copy of the financials
    from each of the carriers.

    Once again, escalating medical costs are not the result of profiteering by insurers, it
    is defensive medical practices and the cost of litigation.

    You want lower medical costs, push for tort reform. However, if you are of the sheeple
    persuasion, simply trust big government to look out for your best interests.

    Thomas Paine

    On 4/01/10, Sharon wrote:
    > Thomas,
    > Not be obtuse, intentional or otherwise. Of course I searched the net to find a
    > legitimate source as reference for the 3 percent insurance profit mantra. I could not
    > find one.
    > Below is what I found as best from a statistical and numerical standpoint. Says
    > insurers parent companies are raking in record profits, Feb 2010.
    > Perhaps you not realizing ALL the areas of your life and our economy as a whole that
    > are greatly influenced by the influence of the insurance industry.
    > Read today that they are going to be jumping strong into the multi-tenant housing
    > lending game, now that Fannie and Freddie are flat.
    > Again, I looked. I can find no legitimate source reference for that 3 percent profit
    > figure. Just alot of regergitating of Faux News. Look it up yourself if you do not
    > believe me. Let me know what you find.
    > On 4/01/10, Thomas Paine wrote:
    >> There are several Constitutional challenges to the health reform law. There are a
    >> few brave and patriotic state Attorneys General who are launching a challenge.
    >> Others seem more concerned with politics than their fiduciary duties to the state.
    >> Hopefully, these cowards will be identified and voted out of office or fired as the
    >> case may be - that includes Eric Holder.
    >> The State Attorney General is our last line of defense from a runaway Federal
    >> government who seems intent on trampling State Rights and the rights of citizens. In
    >> one year, this administration has buried deeper the Constitution than the last five
    >> administrations combined.
    >> I am hopeful one day we can elect a true Libertarian to restore the Republic for
    >> these are most assuredly dark, oppressive times.
    >> Thomas Paine
    >> On 4/01/10, johncodie wrote:
    >>> Now that the United States is the business of Insurance rather than the States
    >>> having the rights to regulate the insurance industry; there is a Constitutional
    >>> Amendment that Limits the Size and/power of the government. That would be our
    >>> preamble Bill of Rights. Insuance got around federal law when it was deemed as
    >>> not having a monetary value, as a good that has value. There are State laws, and
    >>> now federal laws on the interest rates, as there are regulator State laws as
    >>> amounts that can be charged by franchises that don't have to compete.
    >>> "Tort" reform was a need to stave off the litigation hell holes here in
    >>> Mississippi as soon to be billon dollar judgements would be rendered. Many if not
    >>> all wonderful doctors where on their way to respectful states.
    >>> Now I can understand any company wanting to ensure a "profit" and 3&37; surely
    >> would
    >>> tied over a worker going into retirement if it would contine in interst payments.
    >>> My brother in law is making millons selling policies. I would say the range is
    >>> more in the line of 25&37; in a given year. Even in the Katrina payouts everyone
    >> was
    >>> making a profit.
    >>> I can appreciate the 3&37; typical ploy but it doesn't make it for me. I did get
    >>> approached from a former XYZ sales person trying to get gas money, ride another
    >>> 100 miles down the road to be with his former wife. He was from the presidents
    >>> town and I guess he got cut like alot of others. He told me what a standup
    >>> citizen he was down on his luck, and how he sold this top brand of insurance that
    >>> left me and my kids on the steps of bankrupcy for a few years. Should I say I
    >>> reached in my pocket and couldn't even pull out a dime. When were down on our
    >>> luck it just pours doesn't it.
    >>> On 4/01/10, Sharon wrote:
    >>>> Thomas,
    >>>> Alot of common sense in what you say. But, I question your original premise.
    >>>> Where are the statistics that support the proposition the insurance industry's
    >>>> profits are only around 3&37;? Keep in mind that Big health insurance companies
    >>> are
    >>>> also property insurers, E & O insurers, etc, in most instances.
    >>>> This 3&37; premise. The only friends of mine that quote that mantra are those
    >>> that
    >>>> watch Faux News. Do you know where this concept originated or where one can
    >>> find
    >>>> legitimate documentation to back up that proposition?
    >>>> Not saying you are wrong. Just saying I can find nothing as a legitimate source
    >>>> of reference for the insurance industry 3&37;, Republican buzz words mantra.
    >>>> And, do you feel it is reforming the tort system for the US Chamber & Manhattan
    >>>> Institute to list false physician authorship - on documents that are submitted
    >>> to
    >>>> courts to stave off financial liability for illness and injury?
    >>>> Sharon

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