Re: Health Insurers Funded Chamber Attack Ads
Posted by Sharon on 4/14/10
Thomas Paine,
These words of yours are true and of common sense:
"Forcing cost cutting measures without reducing the cost of
delivery only spells one thing - bankrupting the US medical
Most of the others, I sense are just common propaganda that you
bought the hype.
On 4/14/10, Thomas Paine wrote:
> Doctors across the country are already refusing to take new
> Medicaid/Medicare patients because the negotiated fees are well
> below treatment costs. This is not a problem of the insurance
> companies, this is a problem created by big government forcing
> cost cutting measures on a system that cannot possibly survive
> without either raising treatment costs or reducing operating
> costs.
> Forcing cost cutting measures without reducing the cost of
> delivery only spells one thing - bankrupting the US medical
> industry. Of course, our fearless leaders in Washington don’t
> know how to balance a checkbook, therefore, operating within a
> budget is quite foreign to them. When the checks and balances
> are in, their only recourse will be to raise taxes. Forget
> conservative ideals and fiscal restraint; just raise taxes and
> increase the size of government - it’s the progressive way after
> all.
> The best place to reduce healthcare costs is to implement
> significant tort reform - eliminate defensive medicine practices
> and reduce liability. Lower the cost of operations, and
> treatment costs will follow.
> Come November, We the People will take back our government from
> those who seem dedicated to our demise. Vote like your life,
> liberty and pursuit of happiness depended on it...
> Thomas Paine
> On 4/14/10, johncodie wrote:
>> On 4/12/10, Just Checking wrote:
>>> Only 10 - 20 million??? That's nothing!
>>> How many billions of dollars were spent by the DNC to ram
>>> the healthcare bill down our throats?
>>> Just Checking
>> Hey buddy can you spare a dime? I'm outside the soup kitchen
>> that was always popular but can't pay my fair share. Those
>> making over $250,000 willing to pay more taxes, 50&37;. Would
> all
>> those Millonairs in California be willing to fork over at
> least
>> $125,000 to a family down on thier luck? Why should I be
>> worried about health care, when I already know im starving to
>> death, both mentally and physically.
>> You know Heuy Long had the state employees paying a tax to
>> raise money for his re-election campaign. Some claim that was
>> a Dictatorship. That was in the Roosevelt era when a chicken
> in
>> every pot was catchy. City laws won't let me keep chickens in
>> my yard.
>> Where did all those work communes go, I did see a hippie on
> the
>> interstate the other day. Am I going to see Dr. Pepper or
>> become Dr. Love.
>> One thing for sure times are changing. When the local fat cat
>> politicians are tying their pants up with a string/rope
> because
>> they are starving too, and the local courts couldn't prosecute
>> due to the back log of trails, its time to ask China
> permission
>> to practice the long lost religion of democracy. If someone
> is
>> asking you to stick out your tounge, and disrobe it probably
>> won't be for your medical benefit.
>> Hey sister can you spare a dime?
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