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    Post: Info for Mold Attorneys - WHO, CDC, EPA - mold is dangerous

    Posted by S. Brinchman on 5/17/10

    The following is pertinent to all attorneys handling mold
    exposures, as EPA and CDC have changed their website
    information concerning mold and health, based on the latest
    research, including that of the World Health Organization
    (2009) and IOM (2004). WHO has produced a very significant
    document on indoor dampness and mould (mold) that changes
    the current authoritative, medical thinking on illness
    caused by these exposures.

    In particular:

    1. US EPA: Biological agents in indoor air are known to
    cause three types of human disease: infections, where
    pathogens invade human tissues; hypersensitivity diseases,
    where specific activation of the immune system causes
    disease; and toxicosis, where biologically produced
    chemical toxins cause direct toxic effects.In addition,
    exposure to conditions conducive to biological
    contamination (e.g., dampness, water damage) has been
    related to nonspecific upper and lower respiratory
    symptoms. Evidence is available that shows that some
    episodes of the group of nonspecific symptoms known
    as "sick building syndrome" may be related to microbial
    contamination in buildings...At least one case of
    neurotoxic symptoms possibly related to airborne mycotoxin
    exposure in a heavily contaminated environment has been
    [Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health
    Professionals (]

    2. WHO (July, 2009) finds indoor dampness is associated
    with development of new cases of asthma in previously
    healthy, nonatopic persons, perturbation of the immune
    system, and much more, based on a meta-analysis of new
    research - see Chapter 4 of WHO Guidelines to Indoor Air
    Quality: Dampness and Mould (2009).
    (see more, below)

    3. CDC cites WHO Guidelines and IOM findings, considers
    indoor mold and dampness a public health threat that causes

    New CDC and WHO resources and stance on mold and health,
    mold solutions:

    US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (recently
    updated mold info, Feb. 2010) to include:

    "In 2004 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found there was
    sufficient evidence to link indoor exposure to mold with
    upper respiratory tract symptoms, cough, and wheeze in
    otherwise healthy people; with asthma symptoms in people
    with asthma; and with hypersensitivity pneumonitis in
    individuals susceptible to that immune-mediated condition.
    The IOM also found limited or suggestive evidence linking
    indoor mold exposure and respiratory illness in otherwise
    healthy children.

    In addition, in 2004 the IOM found sufficient evidence to
    link exposure to damp indoor environments in general to
    upper respiratory tract symptoms, cough, and wheeze in
    otherwise healthy people and with asthma symptoms in people
    with asthma. The IOM also found limited or suggestive
    evidence linking exposure to damp indoor environments in
    general to shortness of breath, to respiratory illness in
    otherwise healthy children and to potential development of
    asthma in susceptible individuals. In 2009, the World
    Health Organization issued additional guidance, the WHO
    Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Dampness and Mould."
    (Mold and Your Health, Centers for Disease Control,

    Key info from World Health Organization:

    "Microbial pollution is a key element of indoor air
    pollution. It is caused by hundreds of species of bacteria
    and fungi, in particular filamentous fungi (mould), growing
    indoors when sufficient moisture is available. This
    document provides a comprehensive review of the scientific
    evidence on health problems associated with building
    moisture and biological agents. The review concludes that
    the most important effects are increased prevalences of
    respiratory symptoms, allergies and asthma as well as
    perturbation of the immunological system. The document also
    summarizes the available information on the conditions that
    determine the presence of mould and measures to control
    their growth indoors. WHO guidelines for protecting public
    health are formulated on the basis of the review. The most
    important means for avoiding adverse health effects is the
    prevention (or minimization) of persistent dampness and
    microbial growth on interior surfaces and in building
    structures." (WHO guidelines for indoor air quality :
    dampness and mould, 2009; read it online at: ; purchase it

    Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Indoor Mold (2008)
    actual electronic link to the temporarily free online book,
    to left)(American Industrial Hygiene Assn. standard for
    mold and health, testing, cleanup, prevention, etc.)

    Excellent source of reliable info: The Center for School
    Mold Help, a national, educational, 501c3 nonprofit: (website, with 2,000 articles on
    topics of mold and health, prevention, remediation,

    Susan Brinchman
    Director, Center for School Mold Help

    The Center for School Mold Help

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