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    Re: Action Groups Asks UC To Take Name OFF US Chamber MOLD D

    Posted by Myco X on 6/01/10

    After observing this board for a number of years, I see a strong correlation between the potential
    influence of a particular issue or action articulated by the advocate community, and the level of
    response from anonymous posters here. Not including me, of course.

    I'd say the ACHEMMIC has found a lever.


    On 5/31/10, Sharon wrote:
    > Doc,
    > Words carry alot more weight on this board, if one uses their real
    > name...or at least posts something that makes sense.
    > So are you saying that for a request the esteemed University of
    > California name be removed from a US Chamber marketing piece in which the
    > claim is made that the notion that illness from "toxic mold" are only
    > being made because of "trial lawyers, media and junk science" somehow
    > stymies legitimate research at UC?
    > And it is "intimidating" that a request be made that their name be
    > removed from the document?
    > Which department of UC is intimidated by this - the school of medicine or
    > the school of marketing..or YOU?
    > Give it up. You are wrong and you know it. Quit trying to control the
    > world with a false holier than thou position, just because you are afraid
    > to speak out. Your argument is ridiculous.
    > Again, the ACHEMMIC letter respectfully requesting the UC name come off
    > of the US Chamber publication as it is being misapplied in a manner
    > harmful to those who experience severe illness and sometimes even death
    > after exposure to mold.
    > Sharon
    > On 5/31/10, Deborah wrote:
    >> Bwhahahahahhaha..
    >> What's up, Doc? What a caricature, I mean character.
    >> In this case, the activists exposed a pretty grand scheme. It seem the
    >> Wall Street Journal, you know, that leftie rag, thought it worth a look
    >> see.
    >> Really loved their coverage of Ivy League medical students protesting
    >> the medico-pharmaceutical industry influence in academia. Want me to
    >> look up those articles for you? Or the fact that pharma employees were
    >> photographing those protesting? Or the fact that several states are
    >> tightening up their disclosures rules and laws concerning income from
    >> the "industries" to the universities, medical specialty and subspecialty
    >> groups?
    >> Yep, those pesky activists. That is too funny. Thanks, I needed a good
    >> laugh today. Hey, I here that in some European countries they are
    >> completely doing away with the Hippocratic suggestion, I mean
    >> least they have the courage to admit it had become a raging hypocrisy.
    >> For all those Veterans that answered the call of duty and gave their
    >> all, we salute you for the chance to have the freedoms we all cherish
    >> and continue to fight for each day. We hope to have some positive
    >> impact upon how surviving veterans and their families fare in receiving
    >> adequate, affordable and honest care.
    >> On 5/31/10, Doc wrote:
    >>> When activists attempt to censure, intimidate and/or pressure
    >>> scientists, research organizations or even university faculty, they
    >>> no longer honor the quest for knowledge and dissemination of truth.
    >>> The University of California will not be intimidated or persuaded to
    >>> censure research.
    >>> Doc
    >>> On 5/31/10, Sharon wrote:
    >>>> If "Doc" felt strongly that their words were correct - and were
    >>> not
    >>>> just marketing with ulterior motivation in mind, then "Doc" would
    >>>> be using "Doc's" real name when posting, eh?
    >>>> ACHEMMIC's goal is what is from the beginning and continues to be.
    >>>> IE, to assure current accepted science is practiced as a matter of
    >>>> policy in the US with regard to the understanding of illnesses
    >>>> caused by microbes in water damaged buildings.
    >>>> And no amount of character assasinating posting by annonymous
    >>>> marketers with personal agendas, is going to stop or deflect from
    >>>> this worthy goal.
    >>>> We understand how the concept of "Doubt is Their Product" works.
    >>> We
    >>>> understand reasons why some seem so fearful that we understand
    >>> this.
    >>>> So, Doc, please specifically cite what legitimate "unbiased
    >>>> science" you are of the opinion ACHEMMIC is harming. State
    >>>> specifically from science papers if you can.
    >>>> And try to use your real name when you reply so we know who is
    >>>> spouting these "unbiased" words of wisdom.
    >>>> On 5/31/10, Doc wrote:
    >>>>> The original mission of ACHEMMIC was to educate through the
    >>>>> dissemination of “unbiased” current research in the area of
    >>>>> indoor environmental health.
    >>>>> The current mission of ACHEMMIC appears to be an interpretation
    >>>>> of current research to support a non-scientific agenda. Some are
    >>>>> participating for profit and gain, while others are
    >>>>> participating for egocentric gratification.
    >>>>> No prudent scientist or researcher is going to jeopardize their
    >>>>> reputation promoting an adulterated, biased message.
    >>>>> Doc
    >>>>> On 5/31/10, Sharon wrote:
    >>>>>> Hmmmm? I recognize that writing style and mantra. Ain't
    >>>>>> no "Doc" credential associated with the writer of these
    >>>>> words.
    >>>>>> Nice one, XXXXX.
    >>>>>> The mission of ACHEMMIC is and will continue to be that
    >>>>>> integrity in US health policy over the mold issue be carried
    >>>>>> out.
    >>>>>> It is a two prong process.
    >>>>>> A. Get rid of the deception in science that has been mass
    >>>>>> marketed to the courts and within health policy - that it is
    >>>>>> scientifically proven the toxins of mold do not harm and that
    >>>>>> all claims of illness are only being made becasue of "trial
    >>>>>> lawyers, media and Junk Science".
    >>>>>> B. Promote truth via government agencies consistant with
    >>>>>> current accepted science.
    >>>>>> What is a shame is that some would promote their own personal
    >>>>>> agendas while professing to work for change. What would
    >>>>>> motivate one to do this?
    >>>>>> So I would now need to ask the question: What's up, "Doc"?
    >>>>>> Sharon
    >>>>>> On 5/31/10, Doc wrote:
    >>>>>>> The Jacobson letter will be met with the same response as
    >>>>>>> the Kramer letter. Simply put, you can not obstruct the flow
    >>>>>>> of research nor can you adulterate the outcome of research
    >>>>>>> in order to influence policy or deny legal defense.
    >>>>>>> Within a remarkably short period of time, the mission of
    >>>>>>> ACHEMMIC has been corrupted by activists positions. This is
    >>>>>>> why members are removing their name from the organization
    >>>>>>> and why few are willing to participate today. Supporting and
    >>>>>>> broadcasting sound research is one thing, purposely ignoring
    >>>>>>> or suppressing the truth under the guise of transparency is
    >>>>>>> both disingenuous and deceitful.
    >>>>>>> While the initial mission of ACHEMMIC was honorable and
    >>>>>>> refreshing, in application it neither.
    >>>>>>> Doc
    >>>>>>> On 5/28/10, Sharon Kramer wrote:
    >>>>>>>> Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, President of the Regents of
    >>>>>>> the
    >>>>>>>> University of California, May 18th, 2010 before the
    >>>>>>>> California Chamber of Commerce:
    >>>>>>>> "Well, I think it is - you know, Workers' Compensation was
    >>>>>>>> a perfect example, because we did the reforms that gave
    >>>>>>>> back to the private sector (sic, the insurance industry)
    >>>>>>>> $50 billion-plus in these last few years since we have had
    >>>>>>>> Workers' Comp reform..... Well, I have sniffing dogs over
    >>>>>>>> there that sniff out job killers. (Laughter) And they
    >>>>>>> sniff
    >>>>>>>> from the time they start passing bills upstairs, or to
    >>>>>>>> debate the bills upstairs, they're already sniffing. And
    >>>>>>>> then they come to me and they tell me about all of those
    >>>>>>>> job killers. And then I sit down and I look at them and I
    >>>>>>>> say, "Hasta la vista, baby." (Laughter)
    >>>>>>>> Dear All,
    >>>>>>>> The following is a letter sent to the UC by scientists,
    >>>>>>>> physicians & citizens who are concerned for the health and
    >>>>>>>> safety of their fellow man and "job killers"..along with
    >>>>>>>> school children killers, apartment dwelling infant
    >>>>>>> killers,
    >>>>>>>> etc. Other than the actual letter itself, the following
    >>>>>>>> statements are my own. Sharon Kramer
    >>>>>>>> Letter To Regents of University of California:
    >>>>>>>> Re: UC name & inferred scientific endorsement of
    >>>>>>>> US Chamber Mold Issue Medico-Legal Statement of:
    >>>>>>>> Begin Letter:
    >>>>>>>> Email: | Website:
    >>>>>>>> May 15, 2010
    >>>>>>>> Arnold Schwarzenegger
    >>>>>>>> President of Regents, UC
    >>>>>>>> Russell Gould
    >>>>>>>> Chairman of Regents,
    >>>>>>>> Mark G. Yudof
    >>>>>>>> UC President, UC
    >>>>>>>> RE: The University of California’s name is included in
    >>>>>>>> implied endorsement of a 2003 U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    >>>>>>>> publication currently referenced in a 2010 legal
    >>>>>>> proceeding.
    >>>>>>>> Honorable Governor Schwarzenegger, Chairman Gould and
    >>>>>>>> President Yudof,
    >>>>>>>> The University of California is world renowned for
    >>>>>>> its
    >>>>>>>> role in promoting and protecting public health by its
    >>>>>>>> outstanding physician education and the integrity of its
    >>>>>>>> medical teaching facilities.
    >>>>>>>> The Action Committee on the Health Effects of Mold,
    >>>>>>>> Microbes and Indoor Contaminants (ACHEMMIC) is comprised
    >>>>>>> of
    >>>>>>>> volunteer physicians, scientists, researchers, indoor air
    >>>>>>>> quality experts, industrial hygienists, building
    >>>>>>> engineers,
    >>>>>>>> teachers, advocates and others who work cohesively to
    >>>>>>>> promote integrity in U.S. public health policy with regard
    >>>>>>>> to the adverse health effects of mold, microbes and indoor
    >>>>>>>> contaminants that are frequently found in water damaged
    >>>>>>>> buildings.(1)
    >>>>>>>> ACHEMMIC has the following concerns:
    >>>>>>>> 1. The University of California name is apparently being
    >>>>>>>> used as an implied signatory of the2003 U.S. Chamber of
    >>>>>>>> Commerce publication.(2)
    >>>>>>>> 2. It appears that the name of the University of
    >>>>>>> California
    >>>>>>>> is being used as an implied scientific endorsement of the
    >>>>>>>> contents of said U.S. Chamber publication.(3)
    >>>>>>>> 3. It is our understanding that it is a violation of the
    >>>>>>>> California Constitution, Article IX, Section 9(f) for the
    >>>>>>>> University of California name to be used to promote a
    >>>>>>>> document of political and sectarian influence.
    >>>>>>>> 4. The contents of the document are contrary to recent
    >>>>>>>> scientific findings by national and international experts,
    >>>>>>>> including some within the State of California.
    >>>>>>>> The people who have been harmed by contaminants in
    >>>>>>>> water-damaged buildings and erroneous public health policy
    >>>>>>>> over the mold issue come from all walks of life. They are
    >>>>>>>> white collar workers, blue collar workers, retirees,
    >>>>>>>> veterans, teachers, business owners, homeowners, tenants,
    >>>>>>>> children, parents and grandparents. They work or are
    >>>>>>>> schooled in newly constructed and older buildings. They
    >>>>>>>> reside in all parts of the United States and around the
    >>>>>>>> globe. They live in owned, mortgaged, or rented houses and
    >>>>>>>> apartments- large and small, new and old, grand and
    >>>>>>> humble.
    >>>>>>>> Some live in military housing, trailers or on
    >>>>>>> reservations.
    >>>>>>>> Those affected by this issue are affluent, poor and middle
    >>>>>>>> class. They are able-bodied taxpayers and disabled
    >>>>>>>> citizens. They are the insured and uninsured by health,
    >>>>>>>> workers compensation and property casualty insurance
    >>>>>>>> companies. They represent the melting pot of citizens that
    >>>>>>>> make up this great country of ours--the United States of
    >>>>>>>> America.
    >>>>>>>> They depend on integrity in medical science within
    >>>>>>>> U.S. medical teaching universities and within the courts
    >>>>>>> to
    >>>>>>>> protect their health and safety and the health and safety
    >>>>>>>> of their families.
    >>>>>>>> We appreciate the University of California Regents’
    >>>>>>>> prompt attention to this matter with broad implications
    >>>>>>>> impacting mold toxic torts and public health policy as a
    >>>>>>>> whole if left unaddressed by the Regents.
    >>>>>>>> For your convenience, we have attached our membership
    >>>>>>>> roster and documents of specific concern. Should ACHEMMIC
    >>>>>>>> be of further assistance to the Regents of the U.C. over
    >>>>>>>> this matter, please do not hesitate to ask.
    >>>>>>>> Respectfully yours,
    >>>>>>>> Mary Mulvey Jacobson
    >>>>>>>> ACHEMMIC Public Relations
    >>>>>>>> cc: Cheryl Vacca Vice President Ethics & Compliance,
    >>>>>>>> Regents of the U.C.
    >>>>>>>> Charles Robinson Vice President General Counsel, Regents
    >>>>>>> of
    >>>>>>>> the U.C.
    >>>>>>>> U.S. Congressman Henry Waxman, California 30th District
    >>>>>>> and
    >>>>>>>> encompassing
    >>>>>>>> UCLA
    >>>>>>>> Enclosures: 3
    >>>>>>>> 1 (2010) Membership Roster for ACHEMMIC
    >>>>>>>> 2 (2003) Listed authors and conclusion of “A Scientific
    >>>>>>>> View of the Health Effects of Mold” U.S. Chamber ILR in
    >>>>>>>> relevant part
    >>>>>>>> 3 (2009) Amicus Curiae Brief, National Apartment
    >>>>>>>> Association, citing “A Scientific View,” in relevant part
    >>>>>>>> End Letter
    >>>>>>>> This situation is a National Disgrace that has been
    >>>>>>> allowed
    >>>>>>>> to continue for far too long to the detriment of the
    >>>>>>> health
    >>>>>>>> and safety of the American worker & the American public -
    >>>>>>>> while financially benefiting commerce and while our
    >>>>>>> elected
    >>>>>>>> leaders turn a blind eye.
    >>>>>>>> That math could be applied to a single rodent study by
    >>>>>>> well
    >>>>>>>> connected, professional witnesses for the defense in mold
    >>>>>>>> litigation; and from this, the CDC, US medical
    >>>>>>>> associations, US medical teaching universities, and the US
    >>>>>>>> Chamber of Commerce could mass market the false scientific
    >>>>>>>> concept to the courts that it is proven people are not
    >>>>>>>> injured by the toxic components of molds that are found in
    >>>>>>>> water damaged buildings is an absurd unscientific and
    >>>>>>>> unethical concept currently pervading US health policy for
    >>>>>>>> the purpose of aiding industry to deny their
    >>>>>>> responsibility
    >>>>>>>> to the sick and injured.
    >>>>>>>> Not only is it harming the health and safety of the
    >>>>>>>> American public, it is a bellwether indication of the
    >>>>>>>> erosion of Democracy that our country is founded upon.
    >>>>>>>> What happened to "We, the People" when determining what
    >>>>>>>> laws and common decency govern and define who we are as a
    >>>>>>>> society? When did it change to "They, the Corporations"?
    >>>>>>>> Sharon Noonan Kramer

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