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    Re: Action Groups Asks UC To Take Name OFF US Chamber MOLD D

    Posted by Sharon on 6/04/10


    I can't believe you even have the nerve to post, pseudonym or not, after
    your last embarrasing faux paus of promoting that it is A OK and
    perfectly legal for the National Apartment Association to submit an
    amicus brief telling the courts that a panel of scientists (sic two PhDs,
    for the US Chamber) have deemed mold does not harm, while simultaneously
    putting out a public blog to the NAA members telling them mold can kill.

    Re: Moldy Logic NAA Amicus 2009 & Blog 2010
    Posted by Sharon on 5/22/10


    Do you even read what you are responding to before you write?

    RD Quote:
    The NAA’s position on mold is consistent with current research and
    facts regarding mold exposure and does not embrace the junk
    science associated with the black toxic mold hysteria. With
    frivolous litigation a real danger for multifamily operators, it
    is reassuring that the Chamber of Commerce document and many
    others are finding their way into the courts.

    "The NAA’s position on mold is consistent with current research and
    facts regarding mold exposure and does not embrace the junk science
    associated with the black toxic mold hysteria."

    NAA May 21, 2010


    US Chamber July 17, 2003


    NAA August 31, 2009

    "A PANEL OF SCIENTISTS (who won't even claim they wrote the following
    paper we are citing for the courts on their CV's)..FIND THAT YEARS OF

    RemDud May 22, 2010


    It really is scary that you could be considered a professional
    advisor in this issue.

    Judge them by their actions which are dimwitt misstatement.

    On 6/04/10, Rem Dude wrote:
    > Doc:
    > These activist groups pop up every few years and quickly dissipate.
    > Their agenda is to perpetuate misinformation and to attack and malign
    > those who standup to their nonsense. Most have a vested interest in
    > spreading the mutant-black-toxic-killer-mold message, i.e. psudo
    > healers cruising for new patients, investigators and contractors
    > interested in bilking customers, personal injury lawyers looking for
    > an angle or nut jobs with nothing better to do.
    > Any scientist or researcher who lends their good name to these fringe
    > associations better find out who they are dealing with and their true
    > agenda. I cannot imagine a competent scientist who would champion the
    > suppression of research and evidence or promote junk science.
    > Judge them by their actions and not their dimestore mission statement.
    > RD
    > On 5/31/10, Doc wrote:
    >> When activists attempt to censure, intimidate and/or pressure
    >> scientists, research organizations or even university faculty, they
    >> no longer honor the quest for knowledge and dissemination of truth.
    >> The University of California will not be intimidated or persuaded to
    >> censure research.
    >> Doc
    >> On 5/31/10, Sharon wrote:
    >>> If "Doc" felt strongly that their words were correct - and were
    >> not
    >>> just marketing with ulterior motivation in mind, then "Doc" would
    >>> be using "Doc's" real name when posting, eh?
    >>> ACHEMMIC's goal is what is from the beginning and continues to be.
    >>> IE, to assure current accepted science is practiced as a matter of
    >>> policy in the US with regard to the understanding of illnesses
    >>> caused by microbes in water damaged buildings.
    >>> And no amount of character assasinating posting by annonymous
    >>> marketers with personal agendas, is going to stop or deflect from
    >>> this worthy goal.
    >>> We understand how the concept of "Doubt is Their Product" works.
    >> We
    >>> understand reasons why some seem so fearful that we understand
    >> this.
    >>> So, Doc, please specifically cite what legitimate "unbiased
    >>> science" you are of the opinion ACHEMMIC is harming. State
    >>> specifically from science papers if you can.
    >>> And try to use your real name when you reply so we know who is
    >>> spouting these "unbiased" words of wisdom.
    >>> On 5/31/10, Doc wrote:
    >>>> The original mission of ACHEMMIC was to educate through the
    >>>> dissemination of “unbiased” current research in the area of
    >>>> indoor environmental health.
    >>>> The current mission of ACHEMMIC appears to be an interpretation
    >>>> of current research to support a non-scientific agenda. Some are
    >>>> participating for profit and gain, while others are
    >>>> participating for egocentric gratification.
    >>>> No prudent scientist or researcher is going to jeopardize their
    >>>> reputation promoting an adulterated, biased message.
    >>>> Doc
    >>>> On 5/31/10, Sharon wrote:
    >>>>> Hmmmm? I recognize that writing style and mantra. Ain't
    >>>>> no "Doc" credential associated with the writer of these
    >>>> words.
    >>>>> Nice one, XXXXX.
    >>>>> The mission of ACHEMMIC is and will continue to be that
    >>>>> integrity in US health policy over the mold issue be carried
    >>>>> out.
    >>>>> It is a two prong process.
    >>>>> A. Get rid of the deception in science that has been mass
    >>>>> marketed to the courts and within health policy - that it is
    >>>>> scientifically proven the toxins of mold do not harm and that
    >>>>> all claims of illness are only being made becasue of "trial
    >>>>> lawyers, media and Junk Science".
    >>>>> B. Promote truth via government agencies consistant with
    >>>>> current accepted science.
    >>>>> What is a shame is that some would promote their own personal
    >>>>> agendas while professing to work for change. What would
    >>>>> motivate one to do this?
    >>>>> So I would now need to ask the question: What's up, "Doc"?
    >>>>> Sharon
    >>>>> On 5/31/10, Doc wrote:
    >>>>>> The Jacobson letter will be met with the same response as
    >>>>>> the Kramer letter. Simply put, you can not obstruct the flow
    >>>>>> of research nor can you adulterate the outcome of research
    >>>>>> in order to influence policy or deny legal defense.
    >>>>>> Within a remarkably short period of time, the mission of
    >>>>>> ACHEMMIC has been corrupted by activists positions. This is
    >>>>>> why members are removing their name from the organization
    >>>>>> and why few are willing to participate today. Supporting and
    >>>>>> broadcasting sound research is one thing, purposely ignoring
    >>>>>> or suppressing the truth under the guise of transparency is
    >>>>>> both disingenuous and deceitful.
    >>>>>> While the initial mission of ACHEMMIC was honorable and
    >>>>>> refreshing, in application it neither.
    >>>>>> Doc
    >>>>>> On 5/28/10, Sharon Kramer wrote:
    >>>>>>> Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, President of the Regents of
    >>>>>> the
    >>>>>>> University of California, May 18th, 2010 before the
    >>>>>>> California Chamber of Commerce:
    >>>>>>> "Well, I think it is - you know, Workers' Compensation was
    >>>>>>> a perfect example, because we did the reforms that gave
    >>>>>>> back to the private sector (sic, the insurance industry)
    >>>>>>> $50 billion-plus in these last few years since we have had
    >>>>>>> Workers' Comp reform..... Well, I have sniffing dogs over
    >>>>>>> there that sniff out job killers. (Laughter) And they
    >>>>>> sniff
    >>>>>>> from the time they start passing bills upstairs, or to
    >>>>>>> debate the bills upstairs, they're already sniffing. And
    >>>>>>> then they come to me and they tell me about all of those
    >>>>>>> job killers. And then I sit down and I look at them and I
    >>>>>>> say, "Hasta la vista, baby." (Laughter)
    >>>>>>> Dear All,
    >>>>>>> The following is a letter sent to the UC by scientists,
    >>>>>>> physicians & citizens who are concerned for the health and
    >>>>>>> safety of their fellow man and "job killers"..along with
    >>>>>>> school children killers, apartment dwelling infant
    >>>>>> killers,
    >>>>>>> etc. Other than the actual letter itself, the following
    >>>>>>> statements are my own. Sharon Kramer
    >>>>>>> Letter To Regents of University of California:
    >>>>>>> Re: UC name & inferred scientific endorsement of
    >>>>>>> US Chamber Mold Issue Medico-Legal Statement of:
    >>>>>>> Begin Letter:
    >>>>>>> Email: | Website:
    >>>>>>> May 15, 2010
    >>>>>>> Arnold Schwarzenegger
    >>>>>>> President of Regents, UC
    >>>>>>> Russell Gould
    >>>>>>> Chairman of Regents,
    >>>>>>> Mark G. Yudof
    >>>>>>> UC President, UC
    >>>>>>> RE: The University of California’s name is included in
    >>>>>>> implied endorsement of a 2003 U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    >>>>>>> publication currently referenced in a 2010 legal
    >>>>>> proceeding.
    >>>>>>> Honorable Governor Schwarzenegger, Chairman Gould and
    >>>>>>> President Yudof,
    >>>>>>> The University of California is world renowned for
    >>>>>> its
    >>>>>>> role in promoting and protecting public health by its
    >>>>>>> outstanding physician education and the integrity of its
    >>>>>>> medical teaching facilities.
    >>>>>>> The Action Committee on the Health Effects of Mold,
    >>>>>>> Microbes and Indoor Contaminants (ACHEMMIC) is comprised
    >>>>>> of
    >>>>>>> volunteer physicians, scientists, researchers, indoor air
    >>>>>>> quality experts, industrial hygienists, building
    >>>>>> engineers,
    >>>>>>> teachers, advocates and others who work cohesively to
    >>>>>>> promote integrity in U.S. public health policy with regard
    >>>>>>> to the adverse health effects of mold, microbes and indoor
    >>>>>>> contaminants that are frequently found in water damaged
    >>>>>>> buildings.(1)
    >>>>>>> ACHEMMIC has the following concerns:
    >>>>>>> 1. The University of California name is apparently being
    >>>>>>> used as an implied signatory of the2003 U.S. Chamber of
    >>>>>>> Commerce publication.(2)
    >>>>>>> 2. It appears that the name of the University of
    >>>>>> California
    >>>>>>> is being used as an implied scientific endorsement of the
    >>>>>>> contents of said U.S. Chamber publication.(3)
    >>>>>>> 3. It is our understanding that it is a violation of the
    >>>>>>> California Constitution, Article IX, Section 9(f) for the
    >>>>>>> University of California name to be used to promote a
    >>>>>>> document of political and sectarian influence.
    >>>>>>> 4. The contents of the document are contrary to recent
    >>>>>>> scientific findings by national and international experts,
    >>>>>>> including some within the State of California.
    >>>>>>> The people who have been harmed by contaminants in
    >>>>>>> water-damaged buildings and erroneous public health policy
    >>>>>>> over the mold issue come from all walks of life. They are
    >>>>>>> white collar workers, blue collar workers, retirees,
    >>>>>>> veterans, teachers, business owners, homeowners, tenants,
    >>>>>>> children, parents and grandparents. They work or are
    >>>>>>> schooled in newly constructed and older buildings. They
    >>>>>>> reside in all parts of the United States and around the
    >>>>>>> globe. They live in owned, mortgaged, or rented houses and
    >>>>>>> apartments- large and small, new and old, grand and
    >>>>>> humble.
    >>>>>>> Some live in military housing, trailers or on
    >>>>>> reservations.
    >>>>>>> Those affected by this issue are affluent, poor and middle
    >>>>>>> class. They are able-bodied taxpayers and disabled
    >>>>>>> citizens. They are the insured and uninsured by health,
    >>>>>>> workers compensation and property casualty insurance
    >>>>>>> companies. They represent the melting pot of citizens that
    >>>>>>> make up this great country of ours--the United States of
    >>>>>>> America.
    >>>>>>> They depend on integrity in medical science within
    >>>>>>> U.S. medical teaching universities and within the courts
    >>>>>> to
    >>>>>>> protect their health and safety and the health and safety
    >>>>>>> of their families.
    >>>>>>> We appreciate the University of California Regents’
    >>>>>>> prompt attention to this matter with broad implications
    >>>>>>> impacting mold toxic torts and public health policy as a
    >>>>>>> whole if left unaddressed by the Regents.
    >>>>>>> For your convenience, we have attached our membership
    >>>>>>> roster and documents of specific concern. Should ACHEMMIC
    >>>>>>> be of further assistance to the Regents of the U.C. over
    >>>>>>> this matter, please do not hesitate to ask.
    >>>>>>> Respectfully yours,
    >>>>>>> Mary Mulvey Jacobson
    >>>>>>> ACHEMMIC Public Relations
    >>>>>>> cc: Cheryl Vacca Vice President Ethics & Compliance,
    >>>>>>> Regents of the U.C.
    >>>>>>> Charles Robinson Vice President General Counsel, Regents
    >>>>>> of
    >>>>>>> the U.C.
    >>>>>>> U.S. Congressman Henry Waxman, California 30th District
    >>>>>> and
    >>>>>>> encompassing
    >>>>>>> UCLA
    >>>>>>> Enclosures: 3
    >>>>>>> 1 (2010) Membership Roster for ACHEMMIC
    >>>>>>> 2 (2003) Listed authors and conclusion of “A Scientific
    >>>>>>> View of the Health Effects of Mold” U.S. Chamber ILR in
    >>>>>>> relevant part
    >>>>>>> 3 (2009) Amicus Curiae Brief, National Apartment
    >>>>>>> Association, citing “A Scientific View,” in relevant part
    >>>>>>> End Letter
    >>>>>>> This situation is a National Disgrace that has been
    >>>>>> allowed
    >>>>>>> to continue for far too long to the detriment of the
    >>>>>> health
    >>>>>>> and safety of the American worker & the American public -
    >>>>>>> while financially benefiting commerce and while our
    >>>>>> elected
    >>>>>>> leaders turn a blind eye.
    >>>>>>> That math could be applied to a single rodent study by
    >>>>>> well
    >>>>>>> connected, professional witnesses for the defense in mold
    >>>>>>> litigation; and from this, the CDC, US medical
    >>>>>>> associations, US medical teaching universities, and the US
    >>>>>>> Chamber of Commerce could mass market the false scientific
    >>>>>>> concept to the courts that it is proven people are not
    >>>>>>> injured by the toxic components of molds that are found in
    >>>>>>> water damaged buildings is an absurd unscientific and
    >>>>>>> unethical concept currently pervading US health policy for
    >>>>>>> the purpose of aiding industry to deny their
    >>>>>> responsibility
    >>>>>>> to the sick and injured.
    >>>>>>> Not only is it harming the health and safety of the
    >>>>>>> American public, it is a bellwether indication of the
    >>>>>>> erosion of Democracy that our country is founded upon.
    >>>>>>> What happened to "We, the People" when determining what
    >>>>>>> laws and common decency govern and define who we are as a
    >>>>>>> society? When did it change to "They, the Corporations"?
    >>>>>>> Sharon Noonan Kramer

    RemDud, Do you even read what you are responding to before you write? RD Quote: The NAA’s position on mold is consistent with current research and facts regarding mold exposure and does not embrace the junk science associated with the black toxic mold hysteria. With frivolous litigation a real danger for multifamily operators, it is reassuring that the Chamber of Commerce document and many others are finding their way into the courts. oxxoThe NAA’s position on mold is consistent with current research and facts regarding mold exposure and does not embrace the junk science associated with the black toxic mold hysteria.oxxo NAA May 21, 2010 oxxoTHE MOLD THAT WE DEAL WITH IN OUR INDUSTRY CAN POSE POTENTIALLY HARMFUL EFFECTS TO RESIDENTS, EMPLOYEES....REMEMBER, MOLD CAN CAUSE MAJOR HEALTH PROBLEMS AND EVEN DEATHoxxo US Chamber July 17, 2003 oxxoTHUS THE NOTION THAT TOXIC MOLD IS AN INSIDIOUS SECRET KILLER AS SO MANY TRIAL LAWYERS AND MEDIA WOULD CLAIM IS JUNK SCIENCE UNSUPPORTED BY ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC STUDYoxxo NAA August 31, 2009 oxxoA PANEL OF SCIENTISTS (who won't even claim they wrote the following paper we are citing for the courts on their CV's)..FIND THAT YEARS OF INTENSE STUDY HAVE FAILED TO PRODUCE ANY CAUSAL CONNECTION BETWEEN EXPOSURE TO INDOOR MOLD AND ADVERSE HEALTH EFFECTS' US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, A SCIENTIFIC VIEW OF THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF MOLD (2003)oxxo RemDud May 22, 2010 oxxoYEA THE NAA IS RIGHT WHEN THEY PUT IT INTO LEGAL DOCUMENTS FOR JUDGE'S EYES THAT MOLD DOESN'T HARM TENANTS WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY and PUBLICLY TELLING THEIR MEMBERS IT CAN KILL THEIR TENANTS. DOH!oxxo It really is scary that you could be considered a professional advisor in this issue. Judge them by their actions which are dimwitt misstatement. On 6/04/10, Rem Dude wrote: rbrb Doc: rbrb rbrb These activist groups pop up every few years and quickly dissipate. rbrb Their agenda is to perpetuate misinformation and to attack and malign rbrb those who standup to their nonsense. Most have a vested interest in rbrb spreading the mutant-black-toxic-killer-mold message, i.e. psudo rbrb healers cruising for new patients, investigators and contractors rbrb interested in bilking customers, personal injury lawyers looking for rbrb an angle or nut jobs with nothing better to do. rbrb rbrb Any scientist or researcher who lends their good name to these fringe rbrb associations better find out who they are dealing with and their true rbrb agenda. I cannot imagine a competent scientist who would champion the rbrb suppression of research and evidence or promote junk science. rbrb rbrb Judge them by their actions and not their dimestore mission statement. rbrb rbrb RD rbrb rbrb On 5/31/10, Doc wrote: rbrbrbrb When activists attempt to censure, intimidate and/or pressure rbrbrbrb scientists, research organizations or even university faculty, they rbrbrbrb no longer honor the quest for knowledge and dissemination of truth. rbrbrbrb rbrbrbrb The University of California will not be intimidated or persuaded to rbrbrbrb censure research. rbrbrbrb rbrbrbrb Doc rbrbrbrb rbrbrbrb On 5/31/10, Sharon wrote: rbrbrbrbrbrb If oxxoDocoxxo felt strongly that their words were correct - and were rbrbrbrb not rbrbrbrbrbrb just marketing with ulterior motivation in mind, then oxxoDocoxxo would rbrbrbrbrbrb be using oxxoDoc'soxxo real name when posting, eh? rbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrb ACHEMMIC's goal is what is from the beginning and continues to be. rbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrb IE, to assure current accepted science is practiced as a matter of rbrbrbrbrbrb policy in the US with regard to the understanding of illnesses rbrbrbrbrbrb caused by microbes in water damaged buildings. rbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrb And no amount of character assasinating posting by annonymous rbrbrbrbrbrb marketers with personal agendas, is going to stop or deflect from rbrbrbrbrbrb this worthy goal. rbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrb We understand how the concept of oxxoDoubt is Their Productoxxo works. rbrbrbrb We rbrbrbrbrbrb understand reasons why some seem so fearful that we understand rbrbrbrb this. rbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrb So, Doc, please specifically cite what legitimate oxxounbiased rbrbrbrbrbrb scienceoxxo you are of the opinion ACHEMMIC is harming. State rbrbrbrbrbrb specifically from science papers if you can. rbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrb And try to use your real name when you reply so we know who is rbrbrbrbrbrb spouting these oxxounbiasedoxxo words of wisdom. rbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrb On 5/31/10, Doc wrote: rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb The original mission of ACHEMMIC was to educate through the rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb dissemination of “unbiased” current research in the area of rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb indoor environmental health. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb The current mission of ACHEMMIC appears to be an interpretation rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb of current research to support a non-scientific agenda. Some are rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb participating for profit and gain, while others are rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb participating for egocentric gratification. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb No prudent scientist or researcher is going to jeopardize their rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb reputation promoting an adulterated, biased message. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Doc rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb On 5/31/10, Sharon wrote: rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Hmmmm? I recognize that writing style and mantra. Ain't rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb no oxxoDocoxxo credential associated with the writer of these rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb words. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Nice one, XXXXX. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb The mission of ACHEMMIC is and will continue to be that rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb integrity in US health policy over the mold issue be carried rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb out. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb It is a two prong process. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb A. Get rid of the deception in science that has been mass rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb marketed to the courts and within health policy - that it is rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb scientifically proven the toxins of mold do not harm and that rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb all claims of illness are only being made becasue of oxxotrial rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb lawyers, media and Junk Scienceoxxo. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb B. Promote truth via government agencies consistant with rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb current accepted science. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb What is a shame is that some would promote their own personal rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb agendas while professing to work for change. What would rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb motivate one to do this? rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb So I would now need to ask the question: What's up, oxxoDocoxxo? rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Sharon rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb On 5/31/10, Doc wrote: rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb The Jacobson letter will be met with the same response as rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb the Kramer letter. Simply put, you can not obstruct the flow rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb of research nor can you adulterate the outcome of research rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb in order to influence policy or deny legal defense. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Within a remarkably short period of time, the mission of rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb ACHEMMIC has been corrupted by activists positions. This is rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb why members are removing their name from the organization rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb and why few are willing to participate today. Supporting and rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb broadcasting sound research is one thing, purposely ignoring rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb or suppressing the truth under the guise of transparency is rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb both disingenuous and deceitful. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb While the initial mission of ACHEMMIC was honorable and rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb refreshing, in application it neither. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Doc rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb On 5/28/10, Sharon Kramer wrote: rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, President of the Regents of rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb the rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb University of California, May 18th, 2010 before the rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb California Chamber of Commerce: rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb oxxoWell, I think it is - you know, Workers' Compensation was rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb a perfect example, because we did the reforms that gave rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb back to the private sector (sic, the insurance industry) rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb $50 billion-plus in these last few years since we have had rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Workers' Comp reform..... Well, I have sniffing dogs over rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb there that sniff out job killers. (Laughter) And they rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb sniff rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb from the time they start passing bills upstairs, or to rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb debate the bills upstairs, they're already sniffing. And rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb then they come to me and they tell me about all of those rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb job killers. And then I sit down and I look at them and I rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb say, oxxoHasta la vista, baby.oxxo (Laughter) rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Dear All, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb The following is a letter sent to the UC by scientists, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb physicians mpmp citizens who are concerned for the health and rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb safety of their fellow man and oxxojob killersoxxo..along with rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb school children killers, apartment dwelling infant rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb killers, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb etc. Other than the actual letter itself, the following rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb statements are my own. Sharon Kramer rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Letter To Regents of University of California: rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Re: UC name mpmp inferred scientific endorsement of rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb US Chamber Mold Issue Medico-Legal Statement of: rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Begin Letter: rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb ACHEMMIC - ACTION COMMITTEE ON THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF MOLD, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb MICROBES AND INDOOR CONTAMINANTS rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Email: | Website: rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb May 15, 2010 rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Arnold Schwarzenegger rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb President of Regents, UC rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Russell Gould rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Chairman of Regents, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Mark G. Yudof rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb UC President, UC rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb RE: The University of California’s name is included in rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb implied endorsement of a 2003 U.S. Chamber of Commerce rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb publication currently referenced in a 2010 legal rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb proceeding. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Honorable Governor Schwarzenegger, Chairman Gould and rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb President Yudof, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb The University of California is world renowned for rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb its rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb role in promoting and protecting public health by its rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb outstanding physician education and the integrity of its rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb medical teaching facilities. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb The Action Committee on the Health Effects of Mold, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Microbes and Indoor Contaminants (ACHEMMIC) is comprised rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb of rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb volunteer physicians, scientists, researchers, indoor air rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb quality experts, industrial hygienists, building rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb engineers, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb teachers, advocates and others who work cohesively to rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb promote integrity in U.S. public health policy with regard rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb to the adverse health effects of mold, microbes and indoor rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb contaminants that are frequently found in water damaged rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb buildings.(1) rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb ACHEMMIC has the following concerns: rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb 1. The University of California name is apparently being rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb used as an implied signatory of the2003 U.S. Chamber of rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Commerce publication.(2) rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb 2. It appears that the name of the University of rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb California rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb is being used as an implied scientific endorsement of the rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb contents of said U.S. Chamber publication.(3) rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb 3. It is our understanding that it is a violation of the rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb California Constitution, Article IX, Section 9(f) for the rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb University of California name to be used to promote a rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb document of political and sectarian influence. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb 4. The contents of the document are contrary to recent rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb scientific findings by national and international experts, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb including some within the State of California. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb The people who have been harmed by contaminants in rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb water-damaged buildings and erroneous public health policy rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb over the mold issue come from all walks of life. They are rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb white collar workers, blue collar workers, retirees, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb veterans, teachers, business owners, homeowners, tenants, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb children, parents and grandparents. They work or are rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb schooled in newly constructed and older buildings. They rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb reside in all parts of the United States and around the rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb globe. They live in owned, mortgaged, or rented houses and rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb apartments- large and small, new and old, grand and rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb humble. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Some live in military housing, trailers or on rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb reservations. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Those affected by this issue are affluent, poor and middle rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb class. They are able-bodied taxpayers and disabled rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb citizens. They are the insured and uninsured by health, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb workers compensation and property casualty insurance rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb companies. They represent the melting pot of citizens that rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb make up this great country of ours--the United States of rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb America. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb They depend on integrity in medical science within rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb U.S. medical teaching universities and within the courts rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb to rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb protect their health and safety and the health and safety rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb of their families. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb We appreciate the University of California Regents’ rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb prompt attention to this matter with broad implications rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb impacting mold toxic torts and public health policy as a rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb whole if left unaddressed by the Regents. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb For your convenience, we have attached our membership rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb roster and documents of specific concern. Should ACHEMMIC rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb be of further assistance to the Regents of the U.C. over rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb this matter, please do not hesitate to ask. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Respectfully yours, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Mary Mulvey Jacobson rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb ACHEMMIC Public Relations rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb cc: Cheryl Vacca Vice President Ethics mpmp Compliance, rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Regents of the U.C. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Charles Robinson Vice President General Counsel, Regents rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb of rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb the U.C. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb U.S. Congressman Henry Waxman, California 30th District rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb and rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb encompassing rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb UCLA rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Enclosures: 3 rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb 1 (2010) Membership Roster for ACHEMMIC rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb 2 (2003) Listed authors and conclusion of “A Scientific rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb View of the Health Effects of Mold” U.S. Chamber ILR in rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb relevant part rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb 3 (2009) Amicus Curiae Brief, National Apartment rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Association, citing “A Scientific View,” in relevant part rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb End Letter rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb This situation is a National Disgrace that has been rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb allowed rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb to continue for far too long to the detriment of the rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb health rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb and safety of the American worker mpmp the American public - rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb while financially benefiting commerce and while our rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb elected rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb leaders turn a blind eye. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb That math could be applied to a single rodent study by rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb well rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb connected, professional witnesses for the defense in mold rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb litigation; and from this, the CDC, US medical rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb associations, US medical teaching universities, and the US rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Chamber of Commerce could mass market the false scientific rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb concept to the courts that it is proven people are not rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb injured by the toxic components of molds that are found in rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb water damaged buildings is an absurd unscientific and rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb unethical concept currently pervading US health policy for rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb the purpose of aiding industry to deny their rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb responsibility rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb to the sick and injured. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Not only is it harming the health and safety of the rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb American public, it is a bellwether indication of the rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb erosion of Democracy that our country is founded upon. rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb What happened to oxxoWe, the Peopleoxxo when determining what rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb laws and common decency govern and define who we are as a rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb society? When did it change to oxxoThey, the Corporationsoxxo? rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb rbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb Sharon Noonan Kramer ">
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