Re: 3 years exposure to black mold
Posted by Sharon on 6/14/10
I am sorry to hear of the difficulties you and your
girlfriend are having. Condo situations can be particularly
challenging because of the question of who has responsibility
to repair - the owner, the HOA, or the neighbor.
This is a link to an excellent article of the matter. Hope
it helps.
Also, read the HOA convenents, conditions and regulations
(CC&R) carefully, along with your individual insurance policy
and that of the HOA's.
There may be some answered spelled out there as to who is
responsible for what. Each HOA CC&R's are unique to that HOA
along with each individual insurance policy.
On 6/13/10, Dan wrote:
> My girlfriend owns a town home in campbell ca and has a
> serious mold problem. Her master bedroom bathroom has no
> windows and the vent fan was totally ineffective. She
> developed mold throughout the entire bathroom all walls,
> ceiling cabinets, even toiletry items. She has had a
> mysterious abdominal pain for about the same time as well
> as other issues. I stay there quite a bit and suffer from
> asthma and allergies. I have severe when Im at her
> home.She lost her job and Ive missed numerous oppurtunties
> from being ill. I finally removed all drywall and
> insallation as well as corrected a corroded water line and
> instaslled a better fan. There are other health hazards
> like leaking ptrap and water closet from the upstairs
> neighbor. The hoa is relentless in pursuing their dues but
> have ignored these issues. They sent a plumber to inspect
> the problem he poked the fan with a screwdriver and said
> the fans fine. We are paying for this major repair and the
> hoa assumes no responsibilty. is this right?
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