Re: 3 years exposure to black mold
Posted by johncodie on 6/21/10
On 6/13/10, Dan wrote:
> My girlfriend owns a town home in campbell ca and has a
> serious mold problem. Her master bedroom bathroom has no
> windows and the vent fan was totally ineffective. She
> developed mold throughout the entire bathroom all walls,
> ceiling cabinets, even toiletry items. She has had a
> mysterious abdominal pain for about the same time as well
> as other issues. I stay there quite a bit and suffer from
> asthma and allergies. I have severe when Im at her
> home.She lost her job and Ive missed numerous oppurtunties
> from being ill. I finally removed all drywall and
> insallation as well as corrected a corroded water line and
> instaslled a better fan. There are other health hazards
> like leaking ptrap and water closet from the upstairs
> neighbor. The hoa is relentless in pursuing their dues but
> have ignored these issues. They sent a plumber to inspect
> the problem he poked the fan with a screwdriver and said
> the fans fine. We are paying for this major repair and the
> hoa assumes no responsibilty. is this right?
Im curious as to why someone purchases a townhome when
someone has a bathroom above your property. Did anyone
think to have an inspection prior to signing the contract to
purchase. Did anyone have an attorny review the contract of
sale? Master Bath should mean some air contitioning to
remove moisture after bathing. How long did it take to
remove the soiled toiletry items? If you know what a p-trap
is and had access to it, or do you have access. How do you
know about other structural defects? At what time did you
two decide on a de-humidifier to help remedy the problem, or
was the capture bucket placed for the p-trap? I don't
understand the general publics lack of committment to home
maintenance. I am sure your hoa has a nice pretty sign at
the entrace with vacancy posted somewhere; what do you
expect from a condo with neighbors upstairs. It would be
hard enough with common walls.
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