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    Posted by Deborah on 6/18/10


    On 6/18/10, Sharon wrote:
    > "Contradicting research results exist regarding whether
    > toxigenic mold found indoors causes unique or rare health
    > conditions such as bleeding in the lungs." is a step in the
    > right direction for them - as compared to, "Can't prove it, so
    > didn't happen".
    > On 6/18/10, Rem Dude wrote:
    >> At least the CDC is attempting to dispell much of the hype
    >> and hysteria surrounding "toxic black mold".
    >> CDC - Certain molds are toxigenic, meaning they can produce
    >> toxins (mycotoxins), but the molds themselves are not toxic,
    >> or poisonous. Hazards presented by molds that may produce
    >> mycotoxins should be considered the same as other common
    >> molds which can grow in your house or workplace.
    >> Contradicting research results exist regarding whether
    >> toxigenic mold found indoors causes unique or rare health
    >> conditions such as bleeding in the lungs.
    >> I am also pleased they are informing folks that extensive
    >> testing is a waste of time and money.
    >> Now if we can just get them to grasp proper remediation
    >> techniques and stop telling folks that soap and bleach are
    >> effective...
    >> RD
    >> On 6/13/10, Susan wrote:
    >>> WEBSITE
    >>> DAMP BUILDING.(Susan Brinchman, Director, Center for
    >> School
    >>> Mold Help,
    >>> ----------------------------------------
    >>> NIOSH
    >>> Workplace Safety and Health Topics
    >>> Industries & Occupations
    >>> Indoor Environmental Quality
    >>> Dampness and Mold in Buildings
    >>> On this Page:
    >>> What is Mold?
    >>> "Toxic Mold" & Stachybotyrs chartarum
    >>> Remediation of dampness and mold contamination
    >>> I suspect mold in my workplace. How do I test for mold?
    >>> Symptoms related to dampness and mold
    >>> What workers can do?
    >>> What management and building owners can do
    >>> Resources
    >>> References
    >>> Dampness results from water incursion either from internal
    >>> sources (e.g. leaking pipes) or external sources (e.g.
    >>> rainwater). Dampness becomes a problem when various
    >>> materials in buildings (e.g., rugs, walls, ceiling tiles)
    >>> become wet for extended periods of time. Excessive
    >> moisture
    >>> in the air (i.e., high relative humidity) that is not
    >>> properly controlled with air conditioning can also lead to
    >>> excessive dampness. Flooding causes dampness. Dampness is
    >> a
    >>> problem in buildings because it provides the moisture that
    >>> supports the growth of bacteria, fungi (i.e., mold), and
    >>> insects.
    >>> In the presence of damp building materials the source of
    >>> water incursion is often readily apparent (e.g., leaks in
    >>> the roof or windows or a burst pipe). However, dampness
    >>> problems can be less obvious when the affected materials
    >>> and water source are hidden from view (e.g., wet
    >> insulation
    >>> within a ceiling or wall; excessive moisture in the
    >>> building foundation due to the slope of the surrounding
    >>> land).
    >>> What is mold?
    >>> Mold is a fungal growth that forms and spreads on various
    >>> kinds of damp or decaying organic matter. There are many
    >>> different mold species that come in many different colors.
    >>> Molds are sometimes referred to as mildew. They are found
    >>> both indoors and outdoors in all climates, during all
    >>> seasons of the year. Outdoors, molds survive by using
    >>> plants and decaying organic matter such as fallen leaves
    >> as
    >>> a source of nutrition. Indoors, molds need moisture to
    >> grow
    >>> as well as a carbon source from building materials or
    >>> building contents.
    >>> Excess moisture is generally the cause of indoor mold
    >>> growth. Molds reproduce by releasing tiny spores that
    >> float
    >>> through the air until landing in other locations. When
    >> they
    >>> settle on wet or moist surfaces, the spores can form new
    >>> mold colonies. Moderate temperatures and available
    >> nutrient
    >>> sources make most office buildings ideal for mold growth.
    >>> Recent media attention has increased public awareness and
    >>> concern over exposure to molds in the workplace. While
    >> this
    >>> may seem to be a new problem, exposure to molds has
    >>> actually occurred throughout history. In fact, the types
    >> of
    >>> molds found in office buildings are not rare or even
    >>> unusual. It is important to understand that no indoor
    >> space
    >>> is completely free from mold spores – not even a surgical
    >>> operating room. Molds are everywhere, making our exposure
    >>> to molds unavoidable, whether indoors or outdoors, at home
    >>> or at work.
    >>> "Toxic Mold" & Stachybotyrs chartarum
    >>> Certain molds are toxigenic, meaning they can produce
    >>> toxins (mycotoxins), but the molds themselves are not
    >>> toxic, or poisonous. Hazards presented by molds that may
    >>> produce mycotoxins should be considered the same as other
    >>> common molds which can grow in your house or workplace.
    >>> Contradicting research results exist regarding whether
    >>> toxigenic mold found indoors causes unique or rare health
    >>> conditions such as bleeding in the lungs. Research is
    >>> ongoing in this area.
    >>> Mold growing in buildings, whether it is Stachybotrys
    >>> chartarum (Stachybotrys atra) or another mold, indicates
    >>> that there is a problem with water or moisture. This is
    >> the
    >>> first problem that needs to be addressed.
    >>> Remediation of dampness and mold contamination
    >>> First and foremost, determine the source of moisture and
    >>> take appropriate measures to make repairs. Damp or wet
    >>> building materials and furnishings as a result of leaks or
    >>> flooding should be dried within 24 to 48 hours to prevent
    >>> the growth of mold. Mold can be cleaned and removed from
    >>> hard surfaces with commercial products, soap and water, or
    >>> a bleach solution of no more than 1 cup of bleach in 1
    >>> gallon of water. Never mix bleach with ammonia or other
    >>> household cleaners. Mold in or under carpets typically
    >>> requires that the carpets be removed. Once mold starts to
    >>> grow in insulation or wallboard, the only way to deal with
    >>> the problem is removal and replacement. (CDC- Facts about
    >>> Stachybotrys chartarum and Other Molds) For complete
    >>> remediation guidelines go to the New York City Department
    >>> of Health and Hygiene’s Guidelines on Assessment and
    >>> Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments at
    >>> For "green"
    >>> environmentally friendly cleaning solutions, go to
    >>> Greenguard Environmental Institute at
    >>> I suspect mold in my workplace. How do I test for mold?
    >>> CDC does not recommend routine sampling for molds.
    >>> Generally, it is not necessary to identify the species of
    >>> mold growing in a building. Measurements of mold in air
    >> are
    >>> not reliable or representative. If mold is seen or
    >> smelled,
    >>> there is a potential health risk; therefore, no matter
    >> what
    >>> type of mold is present, you should arrange for its
    >>> removal. Furthermore, sampling for mold can be expensive,
    >>> and standards for judging what is and what is not an
    >>> acceptable or tolerable quantity of mold have not been
    >>> established.
    >>> Symptoms related to dampness and mold
    >>> Health problems associated with excessive damp conditions
    >>> and mold include:
    >>> Allergic responses like those to pollen or animal dander
    >>> are the most common types of health problems related to
    >>> mold. Typical symptoms include sneezing; irritation of the
    >>> nose, mouth, or throat; nasal stuffiness and runny nose;
    >>> and red, itchy or watery eyes. Inhaling or touching mold
    >> or
    >>> mold spores can cause a person who was not previously
    >>> allergic to mold to become allergic to mold. For people
    >>> with known allergies, molds can trigger asthma symptoms
    >>> such as shortness of breath, wheezing, or cough.
    >> Irritation
    >>> can also occur in non-allergenic (non-sensitized) people.
    >>> Additionally, scientific studies indicate that exposure to
    >>> molds in the workplace can make pre-existing asthma worse.
    >>> Recent NIOSH investigations document that some damp
    >>> buildings are associated with developing new asthma.
    >>> Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is a kind of lung
    >>> inflammation that occurs in persons who develop immune
    >>> system sensitization (similar to an allergy) to inhaled
    >>> organic dust. It can be mistaken for pneumonia, but it
    >> does
    >>> not get better with antibiotics for infection.
    >>> Symptoms of HP can vary. Some persons have shortness of
    >>> breath, cough, muscle aches, chills, fever, night sweats,
    >>> and profound fatigue. These symptoms usually first appear
    >> 2
    >>> to 9 hours after exposure and last for 1 to 3 days. Other
    >>> affected persons have progressive shortness of breath and
    >>> cough, as well as weight loss. Work-relatedness may only
    >>> become apparent over long holidays if symptoms resolve and
    >>> then recur on return to work. With continued exposure, the
    >>> persistent lung inflammation of both kinds of symptoms can
    >>> lead to scarring and permanent damage. The slow
    >> progression
    >>> of symptoms and the persistence of symptoms away from work
    >>> may result in delayed recognition of work-related lung
    >>> disease by both workers and physicians.
    >>> HP has been referred to as Bird breeder’s lung and
    >> Mushroom
    >>> picker’s disease in specific occupations with a risk of HP
    >>> from biological dusts. HP has been documented in workers
    >> in
    >>> buildings with mold and bacteria contaminated air-
    >>> conditioners (including spray-water cooling systems), and
    >>> contaminated ductwork and filters. This lung disease has
    >>> also occurred in workers who worked in water-damaged
    >>> buildings with roof leaks, plumbing leaks, poorly draining
    >>> condensation pans, and high indoor relative humidity.
    >>> HP is not contagious and is due to a person’s immune
    >> system
    >>> reaction to inhaled microorganisms, whether dead or alive.
    >>> It is possible for workers to have both dampness-related
    >> HP
    >>> and asthma at the same time. Additionally, workplaces that
    >>> have workers with HP may also have workers with building-
    >>> related asthma.
    >>> ASTHMA
    >>> Asthma is a form of lung disease in which the airways
    >>> develop inflammation and bronchospasm (reversible
    >>> narrowing) in response to sensitizing or irritating
    >>> exposure. Affected individuals can experience episodes of
    >>> shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness, and wheezing.
    >>> These symptoms occur after exposure to nonspecific
    >>> irritating substances in the air or after exposure to
    >>> substances to which an individual is allergic. Medical
    >>> testing typically reveals evidence of bronchial
    >>> hyperresponsiveness such as an abnormal methacholine
    >>> challenge test or reversible airways obstruction on
    >>> spirometry (a test of lung function). It is important for
    >>> affected individuals to have a comprehensive asthma
    >>> treatment plan and regular follow-up with their physician.
    >>> Early diagnosis and removal from the impacted damp office
    >>> environment can cure asthma caused by workplace exposures.
    >>> In approximately 15&37; of asthmatics, the illness may
    >> have
    >>> been caused, or made worse, by workplace exposures. Some
    >>> occupational exposures are well known risks for asthma
    >>> development (e.g., western red cedar; isocyanates). Indoor
    >>> environment research has identified evidence of an
    >>> association between damp buildings and asthma symptoms in
    >>> individuals with pre-existing asthma. There is also new
    >>> evidence of an association between damp buildings and new-
    >>> onset asthma. In an individual with new-onset asthma or
    >>> worsening of stable pre-existing asthma, measurements of
    >>> lung function made several times a day at work and at home
    >>> over several weeks may reveal a pattern of changing lung
    >>> function that suggests a workplace cause.
    >>> For individuals with new-onset asthma or worsening of
    >>> stable pre-existing asthma that is suspected to be related
    >>> to the indoor environment, controlling or eliminating the
    >>> sources of indoor contaminants, along with optimal medical
    >>> treatment, may lead to symptoms of improvement or
    >>> resolution.
    >>> What workers can do
    >>> When workers suspect their health problems are caused by
    >>> exposure to building-related mold and dampness, workers
    >>> should:
    >>> Report concerns immediately to supervisors or those
    >> persons
    >>> responsible for building maintenance
    >>> See your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment
    >>> Ask your doctor whether you should be medically restricted
    >>> from the affected environment
    >>> What management and building owners can do
    >>> When health problems are believed to be caused by exposure
    >>> to mold in the workplace, owners and managers should:
    >>> Advise workers to see their doctor for proper diagnosis
    >> and
    >>> treatment
    >>> Evaluate the work area for evidence of mold and dampness
    >>> Repair leaks and remediate water damaged materials
    >>> Communicate with workers about areas of the building with
    >>> evidence of mold or moisture damage and provide the status
    >>> of remediation plans
    >>> Arrange for relocation of workers whose doctors restrict
    >>> them from the implicated work environments
    >>> Resources
    >>> Facts About Mold - American Industrial Hygiene Association
    >>> (AIHA)
    >>> Recognition, Evaluation, and Control of Indoor Mold
    >>> Fairfax, VA: American Industrial Hygiene Association 2008.
    >>> ISBN 978-1-931504-91-1
    >>> Facts About Mold and Dampness - Centers for Disease
    >> Control
    >>> and Prevention (CDC)
    >>> Mold Resources - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    >>> Damp Indoor Spaces and Health - Institute of Medicine (IOM)
    >>> Preventing Mold-Related Problems in the Indoor Workplace -
    >>> Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
    >>> Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in
    >> Indoor
    >>> Environments - New York City Department of Health (NYCDOH)
    >>> References
    >>> Brandt M, Brown C, Burkhart J, Burton N, Cox Ganser J,
    >>> Damon S, Falk H, Fridkin S, Garbe P, McGeehin M, Morgan J,
    >>> Page E, Rao C, Redd S, Sinks T, Trout D, Wallingford K,
    >>> Warnock D, Weissman D. Mold prevention strategies and
    >>> possible health effects in the aftermath of hurricanes and
    >>> major floods. MMWR. 2006 June; 55(RR-8):1-27.
    >>> Cox-Ganser JM, White SK, Jones R, Hilsbos K, Storey E,
    >>> Enright PL, Rao CY, Kreiss K. Respiratory Morbidity in
    >>> Office Workers in a Water-Damaged Building. Environ Health
    >>> Perspect. 2005 April; 113(4): 485-490.
    >>> Fink JN, Ortega HG, Reynolds HY, Cormier YF, et al. Needs
    >>> and Opportunities for Research in Hypersensitivity
    >>> Pneumonitis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical
    >>> Care Medicine, 2005 April 1.
    >>> Hoffman RE, Wood RC, Kreiss K. [1993]. Building-related
    >>> asthma in Denver office workers. Am J Public Health 83:89-
    >>> 93. Environ Health Perspect. 2005 April; 113(4): 485-490.
    >>> Park J, Cox-Ganser J, Rao C, Kreiss K. Fungal and
    >> endotoxin
    >>> measurements in dust associated with respiratory symptoms
    >>> in a water-damaged office building. Indoor Air 2006 Jun;
    >>> 16:192-203.
    >>> Park JH, Cox-Ganser JM, Kreiss K, White SK, Rao CY.
    >>> Hydrophilic fungi and ergosterol associated with
    >>> respiratory illness in a water-damaged building. Environ
    >>> Health Perspect. 2008 Jan; 116(1):45-50.
    >>> Sahakian NM, White SK, Park JH, Cox-Ganser JM, Kreiss K.
    >>> Identification of mold and dampness-associated respiratory
    >>> morbidity in 2 schools: comparison of questionaire survey
    >>> responses to national data. J Sch Health. 2008 Jan; 78
    >>> (1):32-37.
    >>> Page updated June 1, 2010

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