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    Posted by johncodie on 6/21/10

    On 6/18/10, Rem Dude wrote:
    > At least the CDC is attempting to dispell much of the hype
    > and hysteria surrounding "toxic black mold".

    With the Administration cutting out the middleman of the oil
    spill, we need some hype and hysteria surrounding some tort to
    help justify the hiring of all the new attorny's. Nephew just
    graduated this May and has to wait until December in order for
    the firm to get rid of some older attorny's not pulling their
    weight and not in the firm.

    As not all mold are toxic they do provide a negative impact to
    a person's well being. Just like in the early days of Mr. Mom
    changing diapers, the negative effects of waste not being
    removed and properly disposed of in a timely manner has very
    negative consequences. Renters, Property Owners, etc.etc.
    should be providing a continuing vigil to keep property dry
    and well ventilated.

    Now for some reason during the changes in life people just
    feel compelled to stay inside, in the cold air, and avoid the
    hot dry air that brings a health to the pores and lungs. From
    infection and not mold comes strep throat and broncitis.

    Pretty soon the individual can't get rid of the infection, and
    opens the gate for other pathogens.

    A person can tell when a building is sick with mold spores as
    the sinus and tear ducts will flood the tissues continously.
    With the advanced warning the God given senses gives us in a
    typhoon or flood to get to higher ground. The same is true
    for Mold removal. Move, quit, get it out, live on bare
    concrete with tar paper walls. Find the dry quality air and
    bear the heat.

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