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    Re: EFF Urges Court to Block Dragnet Subpoenas Targeting Onl

    Posted by Sharon on 7/16/10

    "Overbroad subpoenas targeting anonymous speakers without
    cause naturally creates a chilling effect that may discourage
    others from exercising their constitutional rights to
    participate in conversations that take place online," said
    Zimmerman. 'We are asking the court to enforce these
    reasonable safeguards so that the rights of innocent speakers
    do not become collateral damage in a dispute between others.'

    For the full motion to quash:

    I have mixed emotions about this one.

    If one does not state their true identity when writing, they
    are more likely to write outrageous words that they never
    would if people knew who they were. Mike B is a prime
    example of this.

    But on the other hand, I have honed some great information
    from this board and other boards by people who would be
    afraid to speak out for fear of retribution if they had to
    use their real name.

    Seems to me like there should be a law somewhere in the
    middle on this one. I don't know all the facts of this case,
    so really couldn't say what I think specifically about this

    On 7/16/10, Deborah wrote:
    > Privacy and Anonymity at Risk in New York Conspiracy Suit
    > New York - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) this
    > week served a motion to quash dragnet subpoenas that put
    > privacy and anonymity at risk for the operators of dozens of
    > Internet blogs and potentially hundreds of commenters.
    > The subpoenas stem from a state lawsuit filed by New York
    > residents Miriam and Michael Hersh alleging a conspiracy to
    > interfere with their business interests. Issued to Google
    > and Yahoo, the subpoenas demand the identities of users of
    > ten email accounts, operators of 30 blogs and a website that
    > had featured discussions of the plaintiffs among other
    > matters, and the identities of everyone who had ever
    > commented on those sites.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

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