Re: Petroleum giant hires Gulf scientists
Posted by johncodie on 7/23/10
On 7/17/10, Deborah wrote: > buy-gulf-coast-scientists The report by NPR this morning is that BP got up and left without any additional contact. South Alabama has evidently held firm with not signing a Contract that would restrict its ability to provide peer review data to the scientific community. It appears to be the standard form legal documents the tobacco industry tried unsucessfuly to impose on its research scientist. If I am not mistaken each state reserves the right to mandate disclosure of health related issues. Each scientist indicated that their reputation was more important than selling out to a corporate giant. Since BP was reported to have doctored pictures of the response command center, it is clear they are looking for whores of the industry without british accents. From what i know of the scientist that enjoy the coast, and their affection for the work and enviroment, they won't be selling out. Alot of outsiders will be pulled in to look like they are locals. $225 an hour is too small for selling your soul and heritage/legacy. I belive the mold whores went from $300 to $550.
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