Re: Petroleum giant hires Gulf scientists
Posted by johncodie on 7/26/10
On 7/23/10, Deborah wrote:
> RD,
> How droll.
> Please address that remark to Gulf coast residents.
> I'll get the popcorn.
> On 7/23/10, Rem Dude wrote:
>> BP has the right to protect their data. Unless they are
>> barring the Federal government from access to the site, this
>> is much ado about nothing.
>> Yawn
>> RD
BP has no rights as they they did not own the land they were
operating upon, and violated the terms of their lease. If they
can't' decide upon removing the CEO that allowed or contributed to
the damages casued, they deserve to lose their 40% market share.
Truck stops across the south have already switched to different
franchise dropping BP products. If you would like a small taste of
what the coast is experiencing buy a can of WD-40 and spray it into
your dishwasher, your washer machine and your kitchen sink. Run a
couple of cycles to try and clean it out, and then consume and wear
the garments that would otherwise be clean. Let is absorb into
your skin, and irritate your sensitive eyes. The people of the
coast did not flea a Tropical storm after having been through the
worst category 5. Skimmer boats still being parked behind locked
fences. Where once you could not find a parking place for 50 miles
of coastline, you could only count two cars in a mile. And do you
think the clean up crews eat seafood; nope just smothered steak.
The best polution award in the world goes to (BP, Best at
Poluting). They have no rights. They have no data. They have no
legacy. They have no country. Nobody wants them in their
backyard; not even in our public parks. Payup and go way.
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