Post: AP Wire - RICO BP
Posted by Sharon on 7/19/10
Check this one out!!!! aFJfYfRySEAkXES8NgD9H1VING0 RICO law made to combat Mafia used in BP lawsuits By CURT ANDERSON (AP) – 8 hours ago "Attorneys are using a law enacted to combat the Mafia in lawsuits accusing BP and Transocean of committing crimes that led to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill....RICO, which stands for Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations....Civil RICO cases can lead to criminal prosecutions. The Justice Department is looking at all possible criminal violations. Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved". Wonder if I could get a copy of this RICO filing so I could just white out some names, insert others and file a new RICO suit. With the way things have been going of rampant agnotology in the US, seems like someone should just make a template for filing these things with fill in the blanks for the named co-conspirators de jour. It's all the same game. Many of the same players are seen over and over again - just a different day, different cause of environmental illness to deny and to profit from casting doubt upon. Agnotology is "the study of culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data. Ignorance is often not merely the absence of knowledge but an outcome of cultural and political struggle." Sharon Kramer
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