Post: New Guy at ATSDR
Posted by Sharon on 7/22/10
Christopher Portier. Has a research background in how
global warming is increasing fungal induced illnesses.
Wish Frank were here to witness this!
The NTP is pleased to let you know of Dr. Christopher
Portier's new appointment with the CDC as Director of the
National Center for Environmental Health and Administrator
of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
(NCEH/ATSDR). Although Dr. Portier will be leaving the
NIEHS/NTP, his many significant contributions to the
institute will endure. For example, as Associate Director
of the NTP from 2001 - 2006, he led the effort to develop
the landmark document, A National Toxicology Program for
the 21st Century: A Roadmap for the Future.
Dr. Portier will begin his new position at CDC on August
1st. The NCEH/ATSDR is an important NTP-participating
agency with membership on the NTP Executive Committee, and
as such, we look forward to future interactions with Dr.
Portier on NTP activities. Please join us as we wish Dr.
Portier all the best in his new position and thank him for
his many years of distinguished service to the NIEHS/NTP.
The following is a link to the CDC press release about Dr.
Portier's appointment
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