Posted by johncodie on 8/11/10
On 8/11/10, Sharon wrote:
> JC,
> I guarantee you, she does have an ability to read medical papers and cut
> thru to the heart of them. As far as discussing anything else, I would be
> speaking out of turn - without full knowledge. I sent her an email. If
> she wants to respond to your questions, I am sure that she will.
Your aliance with Melinda Ballard and her Fith Avenue NY family, for Policy
Holders of America, and her dad as a leader in the Real estate market, and
your common leaking refrigarators to common Insurance Law suits. Joining
groups like ACHEMMIC and then saying you bailed out of ACHEMMIC. How should
the public at large take a gaurantee from you as the expertise of a person
you really don't know, nor know her circumstances. Her post of a post
Katrinia matches a person displaced from a Hurricane, but indicated in her
post she had lived in mold conditions for years. How could a person with
such debilitatation be a expert in the field today? Who would be her doctor
that made her whole with minimum,or no fincial charges? Don't you think the
public needs to know of success, rather than pushing another position paper
requesting funding? Bailing out of ACHEMMIC does that conflict from the
slander law suit? It's not mold it is the stress of continuing a futile
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