Posted by Sharon on 8/11/10
Where do you get these wild ascertions?
Now let me see if I have this straight: Your name is John Codie. I bet that
is connected to Wild Bill Cody's family and that you changed the spelling.
Bill is the first name of the ex-President, Clinton. Therefore, you must have
slept with Monica Lewinsky.
Jeanine posts and critiques science papers on a chatgroup that I am a member
of. I find the papers she posts to be of interest and relevant. And I find her
interpretation of the information to almost always be spot on.
On 8/11/10, johncodie wrote:
> On 8/11/10, Sharon wrote:
>> JC,
>> I guarantee you, she does have an ability to read medical papers and cut
>> thru to the heart of them. As far as discussing anything else, I would be
>> speaking out of turn - without full knowledge. I sent her an email. If
>> she wants to respond to your questions, I am sure that she will.
> Your aliance with Melinda Ballard and her Fith Avenue NY family, for Policy
> Holders of America, and her dad as a leader in the Real estate market, and
> your common leaking refrigarators to common Insurance Law suits. Joining
> groups like ACHEMMIC and then saying you bailed out of ACHEMMIC. How should
> the public at large take a gaurantee from you as the expertise of a person
> you really don't know, nor know her circumstances. Her post of a post
> Katrinia matches a person displaced from a Hurricane, but indicated in her
> post she had lived in mold conditions for years. How could a person with
> such debilit@ion be a expert in the field today? Who would be her doctor
> that made her whole with minimum,or no fincial charges? Don't you think the
> public needs to know of success, rather than pushing another position paper
> requesting funding? Bailing out of ACHEMMIC does that conflict from the
> slander law suit? It's not mold it is the stress of continuing a futile
> cause.
> jc
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