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    Re: ACHK cough

    Posted by Deborah on 8/13/10


    Why are you so obsessed with Sharon's personal life?

    The article you posted finishes with " That makes the fungus a
    serious threat to transplant patients, to people with immune deficiencies, to
    patients with lung disease, and to other critically ill patients." Immune dificiencies can be caused
    by exposure to pesticides, chemicals, illness, antibiotic use, even fungus.

    Why do you have such a problem with the deceit in science used in defense litigation being exposed? I
    confess that I did not win my case, but it was due to my inability to afford legal counsel in a state
    where landlords tend to win more often than lose despite our Civil Code. Also, my prior exposures,
    again due to grossly negligent landlords, made it a bit more complicated even though, theoretically,
    in torts you take the victim as you find them. The harassment I experienced was indicative that the
    defense found my case a serious enough threat that it could set a precedent and open the flood gates
    for similar litigation, at least that I was told in confidence by a couple of attornies with years of
    practice behind them. Had this element of it, the defense and industry promulgation of false science
    to the courts, been already exposed, I might have had a more level playing field.

    The people that poisoned me not only made money off of me and cost me money, they reduced me to
    poverty and poor health and they do it to others as well; do you wish to see more people like me
    reduced to charity at the taxpayers' expense?

    On 8/13/10, johncodie wrote:
    > On 8/12/10, Sharon wrote:
    >> JC,
    >> Wow! Where exactly is the great water front mansion I use to own? I seem to have misplaced it.
    >> Can you send me pictures so I know what to look for?
    >> I think you must have a dillusional fixation on what the lives of all people from Ole Miss are
    > like.
    >> Fiddle dee dee. I am going to have to think about this one another day.
    > Fiddle dee dee, is this the annual parade where iced beer is pushed down the road in wheel
    > barrows. When you moved from Lake Hodges a 40 year old home with 2,000 square feet sold from a half
    > millon, so your saying you got a even half a millon to go buy a 2,000 spare foot house for 185
    > dollars a square foot, or roughy $370,000? No pool, no view, no place to park the boat, and a longer
    > drive to sell the more expensive homes in the Rancho Sante Fe, Lake Hodges? So you became a mold
    > spokes person and invested the $130,000 in litigation, and trips to Senator Kennedy's hearings on
    > the mold issue! You bought high and the half million dollar home adjacent to you is down about
    > $170,000. We got a home for the same price but over twice the square footage, a pool, and in the
    > Country Club. I know you don't get much in California, and you in sales know its all about
    > location, location, location. No about this fungal death, and there appears to be one ,but not from
    > home exposure. Would any one care to estimate the dose, and whey the person wasn't wearing a mask?
    > And it could have been avoided if provided with the proper treatment in a timely manner. So where
    > are the mold people who don't get the brown dust clouds, and aren't smart enough to take ant-botics?
    > jc
    > Garden Fungus Kills British Man
    > 47-Year-Old Dies of Fungal Lung Infection After Spreading Mulch
    > Font size Print E-mail Share
    > (WebMD) A fungal lung infection, aspergillosis, killed a healthy
    > 47-year-old British man who inhaled dust stirred up while mulching his
    > garden.
    > Aspergillus fungus is commonly found in rotting plant material, and that's
    > where the man apparently inhaled the fungal spores.
    > "His symptoms had started less than 24 hours after he had dispersed
    > rotting tree and plant mulch in the garden, when clouds of dust had engulfed
    > him," report Katherine Russell, MBBS, and colleagues at Wycombe Hospital in
    > Buckinghamshire, England.
    > Unfortunately, by the time the man's doctors realized he had a fungal
    > infection and began appropriate treatment, it was too late to save him.
    > It's hard to totally avoid aspergillus spores. That makes the fungus a
    > serious threat to transplant patients, to people with immune deficiencies, to
    > patients with lung disease, and to other critically ill patients.
    > But it's unusual for the bug to colonize people with healthy immune systems
    > and healthy lungs. The British victim smoked a half pack of cigarettes a day
    > and worked as a welder, so it's possible he had undetected lung damage.
    > However, a similar fatal case -- in a healthy British gardener -- was reported
    > in 1989.
    > Aspergillus can cause several different types of disease:
    > An allergic reaction in the lungs -- allergic bronchopulmonary
    > aspergillosis -- mostly seen in people with cystic fibrosis or asthma.
    > Fungus balls -- aspergillomas -- usually in the lung.
    > A long-lasting lung infection called chronic necrotizing aspergillosis,
    > usually seen in patients with chronic lung disease or immune deficiency.
    > Acute, fast-moving infection -- invasive pulmonary aspergillosis -- that
    > usually affects the lungs but which can spread to any part of the body,
    > including the brain.
    > It was this last kind of infection that killed the British man.
    > Aspergillus infections can be treated with antifungal drugs. But diagnosis
    > is tricky, and treatment is most effective when started soon after
    > infection.
    > Symptoms of aspergillosis include fever, chest pain, cough, and shortness of
    > breath. If you have these symptoms, especially in the days or weeks after
    > serious dust exposure, you should see a doctor right away.
    > Russell and colleagues report their findings in the June 14 issue of The

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