Re: JC
Posted by Deborah on 8/18/10
Even the people that won settlements are leery of further retaliation and harassment, perhaps this is why there is
silence. Additionally, Ms. Ballard suffered a tragic loss in her family recently and is understandably not up to
looking at any of the petty drivel put out here, much less your fantasies about her and Sharon's lives.
Why don't you try a drink and chill, find a more appropriate venue for your imaginings and let the science speak for
itself? The issue stagnates because of the vested interests, primarily in the real estate investment industry, even
construction, and because those of us fighting for the exposure of the suppression of the real science and conflicts of
interest have no more means than do the people along the GOM coast who have the government telling them the seafood and
water are safe. But we still keep speaking up, can't silence us all.
As I recall, you may have had a conflict; weren't you a landlord? Whatever your problem is, it isn't one of concern for
others impacted by the mold ordeal as your posts all too clearly indicate. And, thank goodness you are an engineer,
hard to tell by your composition skills (there are spell and grammar checkers)...think that might have something to do
with the catastrophe in on the Deepwater Horizon rig; too many engineers and not enough people who could clearly
communicate? Or maybe it was the outdated safety protocol manuals, you know, the one that was virtually identical to
the one in place for the other disaster called Operation Sombrero and had an expert contact who'd been deceased for 5
yrs? Yes, thank you, I feel infinitely safer knowing people like you are practicing in a technical field that calls for
excellent communication skills and close attention to detail.
On 8/18/10, johncodie wrote:
> On 8/18/10, Sharon Kramer wrote:
>> JC,
>> You are getting creepier by the day. At least RemDud has an excuse. He is obiviously bonified defense whore who
>> doesn't use his real name as he posts his garbage.
>> But you, on the other hand,
>> a.)are a person who went thru this nightmare,
>> b.)claims you purportedly got over it,
>> c.)but continues to post almost daily in obvious blind hatred for anyone who might come out better from this issue
>> in the future that you did in the past by the advacement of the science & outting of the deceit by the
>> Chamber et al.
> People in the industry typicaly use some metrics in supporting their claims. So for the past two days your silence
> was golden as avoiding the pointed question as why you and M. Ballard are not in agreement on the POA position paper
> for toxic mold. You two have alot in common, and somewhere the facts of toxic mold is between disagreement. Root
> cause analysis is not personal it does not cast blame. It mearly makes a correction to a perviously incorrect
> therory, or corrects a typed typpo. But the deafing silence is a jury trials footnote as why the general public
> should not be placing great stock into anything you write, or the POA position paper. The facts of my case was not
> silenced by the insurance company, only the settlement amount. I would think that to be the case of Mr Ron Allison
> as his purported mold induced brain damage and the son Resse Allision that would be between the age of 9 to 15.
> I don't blindly post in hatred toward anyone, and the truly one biggest loss was the precious time removed from a
> quality family environment; that no adjuster, or jury could place a price for compensation. It appears that you are
> the one who espires to hatred of the Chamber, and others who represented their position. You are currently fighting
> in a legal battle for this offense.
> The University the daughter is attending has thier engineering professors cloning human ligament tissues for
> regrowth and transplant of individual that lost mobility in war and accidents. Science in the past ten years has
> surly progressed. Both peer reviewed documents were not issued to this level of scientific peer review. Why hasn't
> toxic mold been pushed into a better understanding? It isn't significant if the doctor can save the life from
> prescribing a anti-botic. Improving quality of life for mold suffers. Move to Las Vegas for a dryer air
> environment. Quit misrepresenting the facts, there isn't a jury verdict for those hopefuls! I've seen the
> $500,000 judgement from the case that was not defended and a default judgment was rendered. Not all the facts have
> come forward or the reduction in the judgement. You continusly blindly post. If you wanted to be beneficial markup
> the POA position paper as what is wrong with it, put in the information that is in error and post the document!
> But you can't because it might offend Ms Ballard or any of her charges. If you can't grap a smoke, take a drink
> and go back to bed. FYI the family prefers facebook, and WDW, and don't like controversy. As an engineer I hate
> to continue see broken things remain broken and positions misrepresented.
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