Re: ACHEMMIC False Claims of Endorsement
Posted by johncodie on 8/10/10
On 8/10/10, johncodie wrote: Is there an attorny in the group? Or just experts taking advantage of the dis-advantaged? Frank is no longer with us but thats not because of mold. Did this support group provide false hope, or mis-information? Jeanine Moseley are you still with us, and did you endorse the letter to the president of the United States? > > Robert C. Brandys, Ph.D. Deborah Davitt (deleted) > Angel Marie Frederick > Dave Baca Joan E. Frederick family Barbara Backus > Moms Against Mold Chris Fabry family Michael > Kramer family > Steve Zeltzer Jim Davis Vince Sugent > Nancy Seats Jeanine Moseley > HADD--Homeowners Against Deficient Dwellings Poisonous > Mold Awareness on Facebook How is the health of Jeanine Moseley? Her Post: Posted by jeanine moseley on 11/25/05 Sorry, the first 2 post,s I did wrong and lost my first letter . so before trying again, I desided to read several post,s. I,m not sure weather to laugh or cry. and yes, my spelling is not good and I have problems with consentration. my spelling was not great before I spent almost 8 years living in toxic mold,and yes,I call it toxic mold,and I noticed that the word (toxic mold) was used when describeing the homes in new orleans. and I can see why people like insurance company,s do not want to give it that name, but anyone who has lived in it and has illnesses from it well agree it is toxic. mabye someone can try to convince me otherwise, but please save your breath, I,m not in the mood to hear it. I came here looking for help, I went from a strong, healthy person , to one that is ill constantly, to one extent or another. I have , M.C.S. ,fibromyalgia, double vision, caterax in one eye (from vaculitis, I believe), stomach problems including diearria with blood, allergies, sinusitis, asthma,post stress syndrome. before I got out of the moldy home, It hurt to be touched,I had severe back pain and could hardly walk because of infections in my back, I had night sweats, day sweats, twitching in arms and legs, numbness, I had a itchy, burning rash on my back, neck, arms and head, all my hair was falling out, I could hardly breath,I could not see,I did see black spots on a mostly white blurred canvas, I threw up several times a day, diearria with blood, several times a day, my memory tottally shot, my ears swelled shut, sores in and under nose, throat was raw, and I could list a few more things. the first three years of livng there, I would have these symptoms, tottally at radome, usually for 3 days at a time, mabye a good day or 2, than it would come back. and around the first few weeks of april, when its rainy here, I,d fell better, some symptoms were severe at the beginning, some got worse with time. you inhale mold sposes when mold is dry and becomes airborne, while mold is wet, it is growing and not putting out spores, therefore you have some relief. homes with carpet are bad because mold spores love carpet, hardwood floors well help, air test well vary, and I believe are useless to a point, if done while mold is wet they may not show any reading at all, if dry and windy, you will get a better reading, and depending on how your house is build and the sorse causeing the mold, and the types of mold, you may not see it or smell it untill it,s to late and the damage is done. and I had never even heard of toxic mold until I found out it was in my home. there is a point where your body stops fighting and I believe thats when toxic mold takes over and sticks you with illnesses that can kill you if you dont get out. I wont call myself a expert, I have much to learn, but I believe that people who live threw this (like any new found illness) should have experts at theri door, wanting to dignose them and they should be able to get help for free, instead, it appears that any treatment, dignoses, or any experts in this area, want to charge a arm and a leg. I can say that toxic molds,( and/or the mycotoxins they produce) has ruined my life. I can,t even seem to funtion well enough to put the effort into this letter that I should or could. I came here to try to find help, for proof for my lawsuit no. 1, because I have lost everything and it was not my doing. no.2 to hopefully find a specialest that well take medicare and medicaid, because I haven,t been able to work, and this whole mess has ate my saveing,s. thanks to my first lawyer, who said he did toxic mold cases, but didn,t have a clue, I,m not sure that the medical reports that I have well even stand up in court. and what I do have, was gotton on my own, while my attorney was doing nothing. he admitted at his bar hearing that I was very ill. but he was to lazy or uncareing to try to find me help. I have now been out of the toxic mold, 3 years, and have moved 5 times trying to find a apartment that I can somewhat funtion in. I funtion by advoidence, because Im sick of being misdignosed, givin medicines that make me sicker, being poked and treated like I,m crazy, which, I thought I was, before getting out of the death house. for all you non believers, how can you explain the fact that I thought I had lost my mind while in the mold home, and have improved , sence getting out of it. how can you explain why, I never had any allergies before living in toxic mold and am now allergic to many, many things. how do you explain why I used to be so healthy and now I am not. How do you explain the fact,s that everyone one that has been exposed, has certain illness that are more or less severe, depending on what molds they were exposed to, how long they were exposed and how heavy the mold was. how do you explain that all the information collected so far, by the few specialest,s out there, show the same symptoms and illnesses. yet these people, dont even know each other. I challange all you nonbelievers to come live in my moldy house for 8 years and see if that changes your mind.
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