Re: Mold Injured Workers Go To San Diego District Attorney
Posted by Worker Comp Insu Adjuster on 8/25/10
On 8/25/10, Rem Dude wrote:
> This is exactly why the mold jihadists have become such
> laughing-stock; all hyped up on hysteria and not an ounce of
> wisdom.
> Never a dull moment.
Workers Comp Insurance is no fault Insurance and filing a
complaint won't help at all. Calif does not have the rights to
tell an insurance company in any case anything; The workers
must prove the exposure and if no exposure exists or if ther is
no proof to injury they and the judges do not have to find for
the complainer. This type of activity is exactly what make this
group look bad . They do not use the common sense required to
evaluate an exposure. You CAN Complain AND Spend the rest of
your life pitching a B but the insurance company still has the
right to deny a claim if it is proved that the claim is
fradulent on any level and that includes proving that the
exposure never took place and as they say jUDGES ARE gOD and
that is why they set up on a bench and wear robes. No proof no
liability and judges just go9 with waht evidence is provided by
the persons and attys in their courtroom. all you all are doing
is spinning your wheels and in the end the Freedom to evaluate
and pay a claimis still the insurance company's choice In
addition most employee's fail to understand that the funds a wc
pays out are based on their pay at the time of Injury , WC is
not a way to get rrich and people who get hurt need to understnd
the care is in relationship to the levelof pay they were getting
at the time of Injury.
> RD
> On 8/24/10, Mike B. wrote:
>> On 8/24/10, Sharon Kramer wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I am filing a criminal complaint with the San Diego DA's
>>> office tomorrow against Bruce Kelman and his attorney,
>>> Keith Scheuer, for criminal perjury and suborning of
>>> criminal perjury when strategically litigating and
>>> attempting to silence me of an interstate insurance fraud
>>> scheme.
>>> Am also filing a complaint for judicial bias against 10
>> San
>>> Diego judges and justices for failure to stop criminal
>>> activity in a litigation, aiding and abetting the
>> insurance
>>> fraud to continue. And then I am going to talk about it in
>>> a press conference.
>> That's hilarious.
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