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    Re: VIDEO~MOLD Toyota Workers File Complaint w/San Diego DA

    Posted by Deborah on 9/01/10

    Hey, Mike B, what is your real name? You appear after JC stops posting
    fairly regularly.

    In my opinion, if you have to ask what "strategically litigating" is, you
    should not be here. What is wrong with it is when it is used to suppress
    established science and replace it with "fake" science, shove into a paper
    and then pass it off as legitimate, peer-reviewed scientific research and
    have the audacity to go around testifying as an expert while using said
    paper as reference and citation is wrong. Remember right and wrong,
    remember this science has been pushed upon medical professional
    organizations and is impacting patients throughout the country whether or
    not they are in litigation or are even aware that they are being exposed.

    Unfortunately, in real life, there are clear rights and wrongs. It is wrong
    to hurt people, lie about hurting them once you've done so and then try to
    deny they could have possibly been hurt in spite of direct action or
    inaction by the perpetrator to prevent being forced to face punishment and
    liability for the victims' medical and legal expenses, perhaps punitive
    damages as well.

    For example, if I were to punch you in the nose and break it, but no one saw
    me do it, you'd be hard pressed to have anyone believe I was responsible yet
    your nose would still be broken and you would know who did it. Then, if you
    were foolish enough to legally pursue the matter, I could, theoretically of
    course, deny having broken it, question whether or not your nose had ever
    been broken or if it had been previously broken and you were, for some
    malicious reason, trying to blame it upon me, and finally say that even
    though I did not do it, even if your nose was broken, you seemed to be
    functioning and breathing fairly well so it was no big deal in any event and
    that it might have been an improvement over what was allegedly the previous
    condition and position of it, but I would have to countersue you for
    publicly making false accusations against me.

    That would be wrong, right? And I would be strategically litigating. Got
    it now?

    On 9/01/10, Mike B. wrote:
    > BTW, Sharon, WTFork is "strategically litigating" and what is wrong with
    > it?
    > On 9/01/10, Mike B. wrote:
    >> Boy, you tried your best to build yourself up as an "expert" in that
    >> very brief and rambling announcement you made. IMHO, it was the same
    >> old rehearsed, meritless BS you have been spewing for years.
    >> Why are you trying to ride the coat tails of these individuals? Used
    >> car salesmen don't make the most sympathetic claimants.
    >> It is my personal opinion that this will go nowhere, and you will be
    >> sued back to stone ages by Kelman and ACOM.
    >> On 8/31/10, Sharon Kramer wrote:
    >>> You are welcome Deborah. Thanks for sharing with many. Again the
    >>> link to the VIDEO ofToyota of Poway mold injured workers filing
    >>> criminal complaints with the San Diego District Attorney for workers
    >>> comp insurer fraud shifting the cost onto taxpayers; and my
    >> complaint
    >>> for criminal perjury on the issue of malice and suborning of it
    >> while
    >>> strategically litigating for five years in the San Diego courts, by
    >>> Bruce Kelman and his attorney Keith Scheuer, is:

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