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    Re: VIDEO~MOLD Toyota Workers File Complaint w/San Diego DA

    Posted by Mike B. on 9/07/10

    You're the only one who doesn't understand that your litigation with Kelman is
    over. When you have to argue your own appeal (pro se) because you have no
    attorneys, then your case is over. You're just waiting on the "obituary" from the
    appellate court.

    On the other points in your comment below, you're totally wrong.

    On 9/03/10, Sharon wrote:
    > Mike B,
    > I would believe that you have been a litigant for over 20 years. Makes sense.
    > But there is no way you have been in the legal profession for 20 years and don't
    > know what strategic litigation means. You keep wrongfully assuming my
    > with Kelman is over. Why is that? Its still in the courts.
    > On 9/03/10, Mike B. wrote:
    >> I've been in the legal profession for over 20 years and have never heard of
    >> this phenomenon. Tell me, how is it the "strategic litigator" is guaranteed
    >> success in the court? How did Kelman "strategically litigate" his victory over
    >> you? Were the judges in on the deal with Kelman?
    >> You're absurd.
    >> On 9/01/10, Sharon wrote:
    >>> Mie B,
    >>> Strategic litigation is the process of abusing the judicial process for the
    >>> purpose of gaining unfair atvantage in a related matter of grater
    >>> significance to the strategic litigator. It can come in many forms that
    >>> typically encompass some sort of charater assasination of one who stands in
    >>> the way of achieving the matter deemed to be of greater signifance to the
    >>> strategic litigator.
    >>> Nope. No rebutal from Kelman et al.
    >>> Sharon

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