Re: VIDEO~MOLD Toyota Workers File Complaint w/San Diego DA
Posted by Sharon on 9/08/10
"I think you have just practiced law without a license." Of course I have as is my
right guranteed to me under the Constitution. Its called Properia Persona.
I think you have just illustrated why you do not disclose your true identity as you post
your words of whiz-dumb on this board.
On 9/07/10, Mike B. wrote:
> I think you have just practiced law without a license.
> I also posted more on the subject, but my comment was "logged and sent to the
> adminstrator for review" for some unexplained reason.
> On 9/07/10, Sharon wrote:
>> Libel law is really quite simple. Truth is your best defense...and one cannot use
>> criminal perjury to establish a fictional reason for personal malice to be used
>> to "legally" prove they were falsely accused of criminal perjury, with malice.
>> On 9/07/10, Mike B. wrote:
>>> You're the only one who doesn't understand that your litigation with Kelman is
>>> over. When you have to argue your own appeal (pro se) because you have no
>>> attorneys, then your case is over. You're just waiting on the "obituary" from the
>>> appellate court.
>>> On the other points in your comment below, you're totally wrong.
>>> On 9/03/10, Sharon wrote:
>>>> Mike B,
>>>> I would believe that you have been a litigant for over 20 years. Makes sense.
>>>> But there is no way you have been in the legal profession for 20 years and don't
>>>> know what strategic litigation means. You keep wrongfully assuming my
>>> litigation
>>>> with Kelman is over. Why is that? Its still in the courts.
>>>> On 9/03/10, Mike B. wrote:
>>>>> I've been in the legal profession for over 20 years and have never heard of
>>>>> this phenomenon. Tell me, how is it the "strategic litigator" is guaranteed
>>>>> success in the court? How did Kelman "strategically litigate" his victory over
>>>>> you? Were the judges in on the deal with Kelman?
>>>>> You're absurd.
>>>>> On 9/01/10, Sharon wrote:
>>>>>> Mie B,
>>>>>> Strategic litigation is the process of abusing the judicial process for the
>>>>>> purpose of gaining unfair atvantage in a related matter of grater
>>>>>> significance to the strategic litigator. It can come in many forms that
>>>>>> typically encompass some sort of charater assasination of one who stands in
>>>>>> the way of achieving the matter deemed to be of greater signifance to the
>>>>>> strategic litigator.
>>>>>> Nope. No rebutal from Kelman et al.
>>>>>> Sharon
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