Re: Carson-Gore Academy Contaminated
Posted by Sharon on 9/08/10
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) determined
that DDT may reasonable be anticipated to be a human carcinogen.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) determined
that DDT may possibly cause cancer in humans. The EPA determined
that DDT, DDE, and DDD are probable human carcinogens.
How can DDT, DDE, and DDD affect children?
There are no studies on the health effects of children exposed to
DDT, DDE, or DDD. We can assume that children exposed to large
amounts of DDT will have health effects similar to the effects
seen in adults. However, we do not know whether children differ
from adults in their susceptibility to these substances.
Studies in rats have shown that DDT and DDE can mimic the action
of natural hormones and in this way affect the development of the
reproductive and nervous systems. Puberty was delayed in male
rats given high amounts of DDE as juveniles. This could possibly
happen in humans. A study in mice showed that exposure to DDT
during the first weeks of life may cause neurobehavioral problems
later in life.
On 9/08/10, Rem Dude wrote:
> Ms. Carson is responsible for the deaths of millions and Gore
> has become the poster child for junk science. Makes sense that
> a school named after these two is toxic. They may as well have
> called the school the Hitler-Stalin School for Human Rights.
> More CA taxpayer funds squandered.
> Sad
> On 9/08/10, Deborah wrote:
>> Isn't it ironic...
>> pretty funny.
>> On 9/06/10, Rem Dude wrote:
>>> "A new school will be opening in Los Angeles next Monday
>>> that is named after Nobel Laureate Al Gore and Rachel
>>> Carson, the woman almost single-handedly responsible for
>>> DDT being banned in the '70s.
>>> Even more delicious than the names associated with the new
>>> $75.5-million Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental
>>> Sciences is that it was built on land thought to be highly-
>>> contaminated with various chemicals which could pose a
>>> threat to students."
>>> WOW...
Rachael Carson~DDT~ATSDR~Health Threat
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