Re: Carson-Gore Academy Contaminated
Posted by Sharon on 9/09/10
That really IS interesting info. I wouldn't want DDT sprayed in my
house. But, of course this wouldn't matter to me if I was dead from
Link to WHO from 2006, confirming what you posted:
Wonder what Rachael Carson would have to say about this if she were
On 9/09/10, Rem Dude wrote:
> "Since DDT was banned, insect-borne diseases such as malaria and
> dengue have been on the rise. In fact, the huge toll of diseases
> spread by mosquitoes has led some public-health officials to
> rethink DDT’s use. In 2006, after roughly 50 million preventable
> deaths, the WHO reversed course and endorsed the use of DDT to
> kill and repel Anopheles mosquitoes."
> RD
> On 9/08/10, Sharon wrote:
>> The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) determined
>> that DDT may reasonable be anticipated to be a human carcinogen.
>> The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
> determined
>> that DDT may possibly cause cancer in humans. The EPA determined
>> that DDT, DDE, and DDD are probable human carcinogens.
>> top
>> How can DDT, DDE, and DDD affect children?
>> There are no studies on the health effects of children exposed
> to
>> DDT, DDE, or DDD. We can assume that children exposed to large
>> amounts of DDT will have health effects similar to the effects
>> seen in adults. However, we do not know whether children differ
>> from adults in their susceptibility to these substances.
>> Studies in rats have shown that DDT and DDE can mimic the action
>> of natural hormones and in this way affect the development of
> the
>> reproductive and nervous systems. Puberty was delayed in male
>> rats given high amounts of DDE as juveniles. This could possibly
>> happen in humans. A study in mice showed that exposure to DDT
>> during the first weeks of life may cause neurobehavioral
> problems
>> later in life.
>> On 9/08/10, Rem Dude wrote:
>>> Ms. Carson is responsible for the deaths of millions and Gore
>>> has become the poster child for junk science. Makes sense that
>>> a school named after these two is toxic. They may as well have
>>> called the school the Hitler-Stalin School for Human Rights.
>>> More CA taxpayer funds squandered.
>>> Sad
>>> On 9/08/10, Deborah wrote:
>>>> Isn't it ironic...
>>>> pretty funny.
>>>> On 9/06/10, Rem Dude wrote:
>>>>> "A new school will be opening in Los Angeles next Monday
>>>>> that is named after Nobel Laureate Al Gore and Rachel
>>>>> Carson, the woman almost single-handedly responsible for
>>>>> DDT being banned in the '70s.
>>>>> Even more delicious than the names associated with the new
>>>>> $75.5-million Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental
>>>>> Sciences is that it was built on land thought to be highly-
>>>>> contaminated with various chemicals which could pose a
>>>>> threat to students."
>>>>> WOW...
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