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    Re: Nat. Ctr for Victims of Crime

    Posted by Sharon on 10/06/10


    Interesting link. I would say that this situation definately
    applies to Mike B's deeply seeded and long term hatred toward
    you, while stating he knows personal things about your life
    for many years; while he (she?) fails to disclose their

    Some of the stuff he (she?) posts on this board about you,
    gives me the willies of knowing this person obviously knows
    where you live, does not like you..yet will not disclose who
    they are that is in such physically close proximaty to you.
    It is real obvious Mike B is not on this board because they
    care of the issue of black mold. They are only here because
    you are here.

    "A U.S. Department of Justice report estimates that there may
    be tens or even hundreds of thousands of cyberstalking
    victims in the United States (Report on Cyberstalking, 1999).
    A 1997 nationwide survey conducted by the University of
    Cincinnati found that almost 25% of stalking incidents among
    college age women involved cyberstalking (Report on
    Cyberstalking, 1999).

    Cyberstalking can be defined as threatening behavior or
    unwanted advances directed at another using the Internet and
    other forms of online and computer communications.

    Cyberstalkers target their victims through chat rooms,
    message boards, discussion forums, and e-mail. Cyberstalking
    takes many forms such as: threatening or obscene e-mail;
    spamming (in which a stalker sends a victim a multitude of
    junk e-mail); live chat harassment or flaming (online verbal
    abuse); leaving improper messages on message boards...

    Similar to stalking off-line, online stalking can be a
    terrifying experience for victims, placing them at risk of
    psychological trauma, and possible physical harm. Many
    cyberstalking situations do evolve into off-line stalking,
    and a victim may experience abusive and excessive phone
    calls, vandalism, threatening or obscene mail, trespassing,
    and physical assault.

    Cyberstalking and the Law
    ...Stalking laws and other statutes criminalizing harassment
    behavior currently in effect in many states may already
    address this issue by making it a crime to communicate by any
    means with the intent to harass or alarm the victim.

    States have begun to address the use of computer equipment
    for stalking purposes by including provisions prohibiting
    such activity in both harassment and anti-stalking
    legislation (Riveira, 1,2). A handful of states, such as
    Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, New
    Hampshire and New York have specifically including
    prohibitions against harassing electronic, computer or e-mail
    communications in their harassment legislation. Alaska,
    Oklahoma, Wyoming, and more recently, California, have
    incorporated electronically communicated statements as
    conduct constituting stalking in their anti-stalking laws. A
    few states have both stalking and harassment statutes that
    criminalize threatening and unwanted electronic
    communications. Other states have laws other than harassment
    or anti-stalking statutes that prohibit misuse of computer
    communications and e-mail, while others have passed laws
    containing broad language that can be interpreted to include
    cyberstalking behaviors (Gregorie).

    > Recent federal law has addressed cyberstalking as well. The
    Violence Against Women Act, passed in 2000, made
    cyberstalking a part of the federal interstate stalking
    statute. Other federal legislation that addresses
    cyberstalking has been introduced recently, but no such
    measures have yet been enacted. Consequently, there remains a
    lack of legislation at the federal level to specifically
    address cyberstalking, leaving the majority of legislative
    prohibitions against cyberstalking at the state level

    If you are a Victim of Cyberstalking
    Victims who are under the age of 18 should tell their parents
    or another adult they trust about any harassments and/or
    Experts suggest that in cases where the offender is known,
    victims should send the stalker a clear written warning.
    Specifically, victims should communicate that the contact is
    unwanted, and ask the perpetrator to cease sending
    communications of any kind. Victims should do this only once.
    Then, no matter the response, victims should under no
    circumstances ever communicate with the stalker again.
    Victims should save copies of this communication in both
    electronic and hard copy form.
    If the harassment continues, the victim may wish to file a
    complaint with the stalker's Internet service provider, as
    well as with their own service provider. Many Internet
    service providers offer tools that filter or block
    communications from specific individuals.

    As soon as individuals suspect they are victims of online
    harassment or cyberstalking, they should start collecting all
    evidence and document all contact made by the stalker. Save
    all e-mail, postings, or other communications in both
    electronic and hard-copy form. If possible, save all of the
    header information from e-mails and newsgroup postings.
    Record the dates and times of any contact with the stalker.
    Victims may also want to start a log of each communication
    explaining the situation in more detail. Victims may want to
    document how the harassment is affecting their lives and what
    steps they have taken to stop the harassment.

    Victims may want to file a report with local law enforcement
    or contact their local prosecutor's office to see what
    charges, if any, can be pursued. Victims should save copies
    of police reports and record all contact with law enforcement
    officials and the prosecutor's office...

    Furthermore, victims should contact online directory listings
    such as,, and to request removal from their directory.
    Finally, under no circumstances should victims agree to meet
    with the perpetrator face to face to "work it out,"
    or "talk." No contact should ever be made with the stalker.
    Meeting a stalker in person can be very dangerous.

    Just because cyberstalking does not include physical contact
    with the perpetrator does not mean it is not as threatening
    or frightening as any other type of crime. Victims of
    cyberstalking often experience psychological trauma, as well
    as physical and emotional reactions as a result of their
    victimization. Some of these effects may include:

    changes in sleeping and eating patterns
    fear for safety
    shock and disbelief

    Victims experiencing these reactions and many others might
    consider seeking out support from friends, family and victim
    service professionals in order to cope with the trauma
    resulting from cyberstalking. In order to locate local victim
    service professionals that may be able to offer assistance,
    safety suggestions, and information and referrals, please
    contact the Helpline of the National Center for Victims of
    Crime at 1-800-FYI-CALL, 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Monday
    through Friday, Eastern Standard Time.

    Read more about cyberstalking via the Stalking Resource

    For more information, please contact:
    The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
    3100 5th Avenue., Suite B
    San Diego, CA 92103
    (619) 298-3396

    Resources on the World Wide Web:

    National Center for Victims of Crime Stalking Resource Center
    National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV)
    Working to Halt Online Abuse (WHOA) -
    Safety Ed International
    Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
    Online Privacy Alliance
    Network Solutions WHOIS - Helps determine contents of domain
    name registration
    Your local prosecutor's office, law enforcement, or state
    Attorney General's office. Check in the Blue Pages of your
    local phone book under the appropriate section heading of
    either "Local Government," "County Government," or "State

    U.S. Department of Justice. (August 1999). Cyberstalking: A
    New Challenge for Law Enforcement and Industry -- A Report
    from the Attorney General to the Vice President. Washington,
    DC: U.S. Department of Justice, pp. 2, 6.
    Gregorie, Trudy. Cyberstalking: Dangers on the Information
    Superhighway. The Stalking Resource Center, The National
    Center for Victims of Crime. Online.
    Riveira, Diane. (September/October 2000). "Internet Crimes
    Against Women," Sexual Assault Report, 4 (1).
    Wired Patrol. "US Federal Laws- Cyberstalking." Accessed 15
    April 2003.

    On 10/05/10, Deborah wrote:
    > Steps to take if you are being cyberstalked.

    Posts on this thread, including this one

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