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    Re: If this little girls daddy was an AC

    Posted by Deborah on 1/29/11

    No, no big deal at all. We've all just been making up,
    exaggerating, being hysterical and wasting the time of everyone.

    That very nearly happened to me only there would have been no
    one there to find me, take me to the hospital and my death
    would have been written off as some vague, professional
    sounding thing like natural causes.

    As for the inspectors not being properly trained, I still
    think of that DPW inspector who came to check the newly
    repaired gas line and didn't even do the exam, simply had the
    ticket already prepared when he exited the truck and went
    straight to the brick where my informant told me the payoff
    had been left for him. Imagine his surprise when I appeared
    and then refused to give him the inspection ticket back to into his brand new 4 door deluxe 4x4 Jeep courtesy
    the taxpayers which he claimed he needed if had to go into
    construction sites...this in the city limits.

    On 1/27/11, Mrs. Sharon Kramer wrote:
    > or worked for VeriTox, Inc, or was Grassly grand daughter,
    > wonder what her life would be like today? I also
    > wonder "How do some people sleep at night knowing what they
    > have done for the chsce of money on the backs of innocent
    > children?
    > Grassly wonders how HUD has been able to do this...once it
    > comes to media light? Excuse me. I think he was elected
    > into office to know this stuff without the media shing the
    > light on it. Unclean hands and deliberate indifference.
    > I have been to DC. This is what I know: John Conyers has
    > some really cool shoes.

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