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    Re: Pitch of US Chamber IT spies. Amazingly stupid!!

    Posted by Deborah on 2/26/11

    The turkey has (crash) landed.

    On 2/22/11, Sharon Kramer wrote:
    > Dear All,
    > Since the US Chamber has played such a major role of adding
    > politics, confusion and contention to the mold issue, I
    > found it fascinating that an IT security company was
    > pitching their DC lawyers, Hunton and Williams, to
    > cyberstalk and character assassinate their adversaries.
    > HGBary is located in Sacramento. They were going to be
    > presenting at a big conference in SF this week how they had
    > cracked who was Anonymous, that came to Wikileaks defense
    > and hacked a bunch of computers. However, HGBary closed
    > their booth and canceled their presentations. Below are
    > just a few of the emails Anonymous hacked from
    > the "security" company, HGBary that is headed by Aaron
    > Barr.
    > This belongs on the TV show "Cops" where they show antics
    > of stupid criminals! This is right up there with the bank
    > robber who got caught cuz he kept trying to push on the
    > glass exit door to open it when he should have just pulled.
    > One example:
    > From: Aaron Barr
    > To: Sam Kremin
    > Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 11:50:25 -0500
    > Subject: Re: Requests
    > -----
    > date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 11:50:25 -0500
    > subject: Re: Requests
    > to: Sam Kremin
    > Ok i am going to type this out and if you don't mind
    > prettying this up. The Palantir load on my MacBook
    > corrupted the system files so I need to
    > reinstall when i get home. So trusty iPad has to do for now.
    > In all cases the following tactics apply. Use existing
    > voices meet your
    > objectives. Profile not only the organizations but the
    > existing opposition
    > so you know how to most effectively use them. Create
    > multiple actors to
    > deliver against specific objectives. One person might be
    > purely used to
    > burn in the process of legitimizing another personna. There
    > is no cookie
    > cutter methodology. While certain methods can be used
    > consistently, each
    > campaign is different and how you apply tactics to achieve
    > objectives needs
    > to be tailored. Humor and ridicule always work better than
    > dry facts. If
    > you can deliver facts through humor or ridicule all the
    > better.
    > Uschamberwatch is very politically connected. Established
    > by CtW and Andy
    > Stern. Associated with many powerful behind the scenes dc
    > operatives. They
    > are not one to use theatrical performances or over
    > jestures. The people in
    > this case are less important than the organization. So need
    > to discredit
    > the organization.
    > 1. Paint USChamberWatch as an operative of CtW and the
    > unions. At the same
    > time need to highlight the organization of the unions
    > against the chamber.
    > Show the flow of union members to CtW and the closeness of
    > CtW and
    > USCHamberwatch.
    > 2. Talk about the unions being an inhibitor to progress
    > against the chambers
    > focus of staying on top of a changing world. Forcing jobs
    > to stay in the us
    > and fighting for unrealistic individual benefits in a
    > downed economy is
    > hurting the US and employees which the chamber is working
    > to ensure US
    > businesses prosper in a global economy and fostering the
    > creation of new
    > jobs in the us through fostering innovation and
    > technological advancement.
    > Something like that. Packaged in the right mediums this
    > could be powerful.
    > 3. Might try creating a false document and see if they pick
    > it up.
    > Probably financial information for a period they have
    > explicit evidence
    > such tap transaction didn't occur. Create a fake insider
    > personna and start
    > communications with CtW. At the right point release the
    > actual documents
    > and paint this as an CtW contrived operation. They can't be
    > trusted to
    > stick to truth, etc.
    > 4. Make the connection to velvet revolution and their
    > radical tactics. That
    > they are all loosely operating together. Depending on the
    > level if
    > connection we can make this may need to be more conspiracy
    > based by a
    > separate but very vocal personna.
    > 5. If needed we may need t create two fake insider
    > personnas using one to
    > discredit the other giving the second immediate legitimacy.
    > This is
    > complicated and needs to be well thought out. You need a
    > few different
    > strategies fir this to work thinking through the vetting
    > question
    > USChamberWatch will likely ask.
    > 6. Create a humor piece about the leaders of CtW.
    > Velvet revolution is a radical theatrical organization.
    > They like the
    > spotlight. In this case there are personalities and back
    > office operatives.
    > They are a grassroots organization with many ties to other
    > grassroots
    > groups. They run on limited funds and work on the fringes
    > of the political
    > process. Their job is to make noise and keep the argument
    > alive in the
    > public.
    > 1. Attack kimberlin and after a series of attacks on his
    > person start
    > making ties to the back office folks like keese, gelt, and
    > Cohen
    > discrediting them by association. Done in the right way
    > this can cause them
    > to distance themselves and also funders from kimberlin.
    > Ridicule
    > 2. Attack their antics as self-serving and childish.
    > 3. It should be easy to create some information and get
    > them to run with
    > it. In this case since their are such vocal supporters and
    > opponents
    > manipulate them both to further this course. This will take
    > a few different
    > persons to play the different groups. Need to classify
    > their constituency
    > and appropriate actions to illicit the right responses.
    > Some basic thoughts. Problem with this is without a full
    > analysis we are
    > shooting from the hip without complete data and courses of
    > action. I really
    > am anxious of providing this to them for fear the will use
    > it to judge our
    > overall ability. Cart before the horse. Not sure if you
    > want more direct
    > associations with more enumerated individuals. I have some
    > preliminary
    > analysis but that should be a result of paid analysis.
    > Aaron
    > Sent from my iPad
    > On Nov 29, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Sam Kremin
    > wrote:
    > Aaron,
    > Yeah, don't put a ton of effort into the mock report. I
    > think just something
    > as simple as what you've told me about the difference
    > between velvet and
    > uschamberwatch and really simply their pressure points
    > would be more than
    > enough. Regarding meeting with Bob, I hope that either
    > tomorrow or more
    > likely Wednesday we can meet. Once they respond to our
    > labor cat submission,
    > I'll see what they would be available for.
    > Sam
    > On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Aaron Barr
    > wrote:
    >> Working on the resumes. On the report sure. We are
    > finishing up our
    >> drive today so I will get to it soonest. Basically what
    > it will
    >> entail is a link chart of key people in the distribution
    > of
    >> information, background information on each individual
    > and ways to
    >> counteract their effect on group.. I don't have these
    > unclassified so
    >> I would have to cut from scratch and as I understood the
    > conversation
    >> he didn't want us to put that level of effort into it?
    > Thoughts? Are
    >> we getting together with Bob this week?
    >> From my iPhone
    >> On Nov 29, 2010, at 9:54 AM, Sam Kremin
    >> wrote:
    >>> Aaron,
    >>> I hope you are not worse for the wear after your trek
    > to the midwest.
    >> Today, like I said in the other Email, we'll be creating
    > mock intel reports
    >> to give to Hunton. Could you make up a mock report that
    > you think would be
    >> the most helpful for the lay people at Hunton to
    > understand what you would
    >> be doing? Also, could you send over the resumes of the
    > people who will work
    >> this project, so that we can include them with our
    > resumes and the reports?
    >>> Thanks,
    >>> Sam
    >>> --
    >>> Samuel Kremin
    >>> Analyst/Consultant
    >>> Berico Technologies
    >>> 703.473.1493
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