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    Post: Congressman Gary Miller~Hate Comes to Orange County

    Posted by Sharon on 3/06/11

    This is an absolutely disgusting video from February 2011.
    Muslim families in So Cal were holding an event to raise
    funds for homeless shelters for Muslim American families.

    Several Anglo-Saxon Americans protested outside carrying US
    flags and shouting words that should cause one's mouth to
    be washed out with soap (and maybe even lye).

    Congressman Gary Miller (R-Ca), spoke at the protest
    stating he was proud of these people whose ancestors were
    most likely Klan members or in Hitler's youth groups.

    What does this have to do with the mold issue, you ask?

    Gary Miller is also responsible for spreading hate of those
    injured by mold. In 2003, he was the keynote speaker at
    the US Chamber of Commerce's event where they rolled out "A
    Scientific View Of the Health Effects of Mold". This is
    the paper that was written specifically for judges and

    "Thus the notion that toxic mold is an insidious secret
    killer as so many trial lawyers and media would claim, is
    Junk Science, unsupported by actual scientific study."

    The US Chamber took the video off of their web site of
    Miller's keynote address, July 17, 2003. I can't find it in
    my files right now, but you can watch a video of Bruce
    Kelman, an author of the Chamber's mold "science" paper
    along with Brian Hardin, discussing how the Chamber's and
    Miller's propagated hatred against the mold victims came to
    be at:

    I had the privilege of handing Miller the Wall Street
    Journal article when it first came out in 2007. By shear
    luck, he happened to be walking down the halls of the
    Rayburn Building when I was, too, right after the paper
    came out and I had an extra copy with me.

    When I mentioned the mold issue, the first thing he said to
    me was "Oh yes, we almost have that issue under control".
    It felt quite good to hand him a copy of that article and
    ask if he would be available later to discuss it. Never
    heard back from him. Could never get return calls from his


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