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    Post: Ca Judicial Council Colllude w VeriTox US Chamber 2 Defraud

    Posted by Sharon Kramer on 11/13/11

    On September 11, 2011, I sent letters to the leaders of
    Ca's judicial system, the Judicial Council, which is headed
    by the CA Supreme Court Chief Justice. Within the letters
    I provided a link to a website, Katy's Exposure, where they
    could read the legal documents from the public record cases
    of Kelman & GlobalTox v. Kramer & Kelman v. Kramer; in
    which the first case the courts framed me for libel while
    suppressing the evidence that US Chamber/ACOEM mold policy
    author, Kelman, committed criminal perjury to establish
    needed reason for malice while strategically litigatin in
    CA's courts for now over six years, over a matter of public

    And in the second case, issued a gag order that I could not
    write of what occurred in the first case. The gag order is
    that I not republish the five words that were the sole
    cause of action of the case, "altered his under oath

    If unable to republish the words that were the sole cause
    of action, I am also precluded from stating and evidencing
    what occurred in the case. How the courts framed me for
    libel, and what evidence was suppressed when making their
    finding of libel with actual malice.

    On September 13, 2011, we placed the letters to the
    Judicial Council regarding the cases that is a matter of
    public record, on the net at Katy's Exposure:

    What I received in reply when seeking help to stop
    corruption in the courts was on October 12, 2011, Kelman
    and his attorney filed a Contempt of Court COMPLAINT.
    Attached as the Exhibit of why I need to be sent to jail is
    the Septmber 13th posting on Katy's of the letters sent to
    the leaders of CA's judicial system, evidencing the courts
    framed me for libel & suppressed the evidence of Kelman's
    perjury to establish malice (among many other
    court "irregularities").

    Kelman's October 12th COMPLAINT: (link takes a few seconds
    to open)

    On October 21st, being fully evidenced of what occurred in
    the prior case and the Exhibit attached to the COMPLAINT is
    evidence of the courts colluding to defraud in the prior
    case; the judge set a date for a Contempt of Court hearing,
    Nov. 14, 2011. They were just going to wham bam thank you
    mam, send me to jail for writing of a case that is a matter
    of public record while stating the sole cause of action of
    the case and seeking help from the leaders of Ca's courts.

    It doesn't work that way. On November 10th, I had an
    ExParte hearing. Seems the courts forgot that you have to
    serve someone with an Order to Show Cause in person, the
    accused has the right to face their accusor, and no
    delivered OSC, no court juirisdiction for Contempt. (took
    me 15 minutes in the law library to find that, the code and
    case law. Wonder why a licensed attorney and a judge did
    not know that?)

    ExParte App of Nov 10th. (lol, we all know I can't tpye

    Now we have a Contempt of Court hearing scheduled for Jan
    6th. Pay no attention to the fact that the case is a matter
    of public record of which anyone can write.

    I may not be a lawyer, but I am pretty darn sure that it is
    criminal for courts to frame someone for libel while
    suppressing evidence of a plaintiff's criminal perjury to
    establish needed reason for malice...and then threaten to
    incarcerate someone when they refuse to be silenced of what
    occurred in a case that is a matter of public record. AND
    what the courts KNOWINGLY did to aid insurer fraud in the
    courtroom and in claims handling practices on behalf of the
    affiliates of the US Chamber - not just in CA, nationwide.

    It should be noted that the owner of Katy's Exposure blog
    was mailed via the US Postal Service, interstate, a threat
    of litigation by Kelman's attorney in May 2011, if she
    continued to publish of a case that is a matter of public
    record including the words that were the sole cause of
    action. Neither she nor I have ever repeated the sole
    cause phrase without discussing it in the context of the
    public record case.
    May 2011 Threat to Katy's.

    So apparently, anyone else in the world except she and I
    could write, "In the case of Kelman & GlobalTox v. Kramer,
    which is a matter of public record, Kelman and Globaltox
    sued Kramer for the words, 'altered his under oath

    If I write it, even when evidencing criminal behavior in
    the courts to the Judicial Council of CA via legal
    documents from the public record case, I am going to jail.
    If she publishes the evidence of what occurred in the
    public record case, she will be sued for....something.

    Needless to say, I am not going to be silenced of the
    courts colluding with VeriTox to defraud the public on
    behalf of the affiliates of the US Chamber. If I am going
    to jail for the word, "altered" when in reality it is for
    speaking and evidencing corruption in CA's judicial branch
    at its highest levels, people are going to know why I am
    there. Seems like the courts are trying to make me a Poster
    Child of the reason for the Occupy Wall Street movement.

    Let's not forget, my "libelous" writing of March 2005 was
    the first to publicly expose how ACOEM, VeriTox and the US
    Chamber were connected in mass marketing the false concept
    into public health, workers comp and to the courts that it
    had been scientifically proven, "Thus the notion that toxic
    mold is an insidious secret killer, as so many media and
    trial lawyers would claim is Junk Science unsupported by
    (cough, cough) actual scientific study." The next time it
    was written of, was on the front page of the Wall Street

    Personally, I think they must have lost their minds at 455
    Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA. Aka home of the CA
    Judicial Council and the CA Commission on Judicial

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