Re: Ca Judicial Council, Veritox, US Chamber Collude To Defr
Posted by The Courthouse Gang on 11/15/11
Maybe the court thinks you're "altered". On 11/15/11, Sharon Kramer wrote: > So now tell me again, WHY would the courts want me to stop > writing of the case Kelman & GlobalTox v. Kramer Case No. > GIN044539 North San Diego County Superior Court, which is a > matter of public record and with the sole cause of action being > the accusation that my five words, "altered his under oath > statements" were libelous, and deemed to be so by the courts? > > Anyone else in the world could write the above sentence about a > case that is a matter of public record. But the courts would like > to lock me up and throw away the key for it. Oh, and blog owners > can't write or put evidence/court docs on the net of what > actually occurred in the case either, or Kelman's and Hardin's > attorney will use the US Postal Service to mail them a threat, > interstate, of litigation. > > Could it be because the courts suppressed the evidence that > Kelman committed perjury to establish needed reason for malice; > made it appear my writing in question made an accusation it did > not; concealed that ex-NIOSH product defender, Hardin, was an > undisclosed party to the litigation for six years; while aiding > the ACOEM BS over the mold issue on behalf of Chamber affiliates > to be able to be used to sell doubt of causation in the > courtrooms; while shifting workers comp insurers' responsibility > onto the tax payers, to this VERY DAY! > 3c5 ???? > > Could that be why the courts want to lock me up for the > word, "altered"? > > > > > > On 11/14/11, Deborah wrote: >> That is an excellent idea. >> >> BTW, most prisons have internet access albeit limited. Her work >> will continue and no one is foolish enough now not to see the >> rhizoid-like progression of conflicts of interest across several >> professions concerning the indoor mold issue and the suppression >> of the hard science and facts. >> >> On 11/14/11, The Courthouse Gang wrote: >>> Demand a pre-incarceration physical and mental examination >>> and evaluation. Those cells (including the padded ones) >>> might have some of that mold in there, and you want to be >>> able to prove you were healthy when you went in. >>> >>> Since you can't blog from the inside, it's expected you'll >>> be sending your accusations and complaints via the regular >>> postal service. Please include an updated, detailed listing >>> of all free people and inmates you believe are also part of >>> the conspiracy. Collect calls will not be accepted. >>> Remember, all calls are monitored. >>> >>> >>> On 11/13/11, Mrs. Sharon Noonan Kramer wrote: >>>> On September 11, 2011, I sent letters to the leaders of >>>> Ca's judicial system, the Judicial Council, which is >>> headed >>>> by the CA Supreme Court Chief Justice. >>>> >>>> Within the letters I provided a link to a website, Katy's >>>> Exposure, where they could read the legal documents from >>>> the public record of two cases: Kelman & GlobalTox v. >>>> Kramer Case No. GIN044539 North San Diego County Superior >>>> Court (filed 2005) & Kelman v. Kramer Case No 37-2010- >>>> 00061530 CU-DF-NC, North San Diego County Superior Court >>>> (2010) >>>> >>>> I evidenced that in the first case the courts framed me >>> for >>>> libel while suppressing the evidence that US Chamber/ACOEM >>>> mold policy author, Kelman, committed criminal perjury to >>>> establish needed reason for malice while strategically >>>> litigating in CA's courts for now over six years, over a >>>> matter of public health. >>>> >>>> And in the second case, the court issued a gag order that >>> I >>>> could not write of what occurred in the first case. The >>> gag >>>> order of May 2, 2011, is that I not republish the five >>>> words that were the sole cause of action of the >>>> case, "altered his under oath statements." >>>> >>>> If unable to republish the words that were the sole cause >>>> of action, I am also precluded from stating and evidencing >>>> what occurred in the case, how the courts framed me for >>>> libel to make my writing appear to state a false >>> accusation >>>> that it did not state, and what evidence was suppressed by >>>> every judge of criminal perjury to establish malice, when >>>> making their finding of libel with actual malice. >>>> >>>> On September 13, 2011, we placed the letters to the >>>> Judicial Council regarding the cases that are a matter of >>>> public record, on the net at Katy's Exposure: >>>> >>>> >>>> What I received in reply when seeking help to stop >>>> corruption in the courts was on October 12, 2011, Kelman >>>> and his attorney filed a Contempt of Court COMPLAINT. >>>> Attached as the Exhibit of why I need to be sent to jail >>> is >>>> the September 13th posting on Katy's of the letters sent >>> to >>>> the leaders of CA's judicial system, evidencing the courts >>>> framed me for libel & suppressed the evidence of Kelman's >>>> perjury to establish malice (among many other >>>> court "irregularities"). >>>> >>>> Kelman's October 12th COMPLAINT: (link takes a few seconds >>>> to open) >>>> >>>> On October 21st, being fully evidenced of what occurred in >>>> the prior case and that the Exhibit attached to the >>>> COMPLAINT is evidence of the courts colluding to defraud >>> in >>>> the prior case; the judge set a date for a Contempt of >>>> Court hearing, Nov. 14, 2011. They were just going to wham >>>> bam thank you mam, send me to jail for writing of a case >>>> that is a matter of public record while stating the sole >>>> cause of action of the case and seeking help from the >>>> leaders of Ca's courts. >>>> >>>> It doesn't work that way. On November 10th, I had an >>>> ExParte hearing. Seems the courts forgot that you have to >>>> serve someone with an Order to Show Cause (OSC) in person, >>>> the accused has the right to face their accuser, and no >>>> delivered OSC, no court jurisdiction for Contempt. (took >>>> me 15 minutes in the law library to find that, the code >>> and >>>> case law. Wonder why a CA licensed attorney and a judge >>> did >>>> not know that?) >>>> >>>> ExParte App of Nov 10th. (lol, we all know I can't tpye >>>> wlel) >>>> >>>> Now we have a Contempt of Court hearing scheduled for Jan >>>> 6th. Pay no attention to the fact that the case is a >>> matter >>>> of public record of which anyone can write; and the >>>> evidence of why I need to be sent to jail are letters to >>>> the leaders of CA's judicial branch seeking help for >>>> corruption in the courts as evidenced by legal documents >>>> sent to them and via the Net. >>>> >>>> I may not be a lawyer, but I am pretty darn sure that it >>> is >>>> criminal for courts to frame someone for libel while >>>> suppressing evidence of a plaintiff's criminal perjury to >>>> establish needed reason for malice...and then threaten to >>>> incarcerate someone when they refuse to be silenced of >>> what >>>> occurred in a case that is a matter of public record. AND >>>> what the courts KNOWINGLY did to aid insurer fraud in the >>>> courtroom and in claims handling practices on behalf of >>> the >>>> affiliates of the US Chamber - not just in CA, nationwide. >>>> >>>> It should be noted that the owner of Katy's Exposure blog >>>> was mailed via the US Postal Service, interstate, a threat >>>> of litigation by Kelman's attorney in May 2011, if she >>>> continued to publish of a case that is a matter of public >>>> record including the words that were the sole cause of >>>> action. Neither she nor I have ever repeated the sole >>>> cause phrase without discussing it in the context of the >>>> public record case. >>>> May 2011 Threat to Katy's. >>>> >>>> >>>> So apparently, anyone else in the world except she and I >>>> could write, "In the case of Kelman & GlobalTox v. Kramer, >>>> which is a matter of public record, Kelman and Globaltox >>>> sued Kramer for the words, 'altered his under oath >>>> statements". >>>> >>>> If I write it, even when evidencing criminal behavior in >>>> the courts to the Judicial Council of CA via legal >>>> documents from the public record case, I am going to jail. >>>> If she publishes the evidence of what occurred in the >>>> public record case, she will be sued for....something. >>>> >>>> Needless to say, I am not going to be silenced of the >>>> courts colluding with VeriTox to defraud the public on >>>> behalf of the affiliates of the US Chamber. If I am going >>>> to jail for the word, "altered" when in reality it is for >>>> speaking and evidencing corruption in CA's judicial branch >>>> at its highest levels, people are going to know why I am >>>> there. >>>> >>>> Seems like the courts are trying to make me a Poster >>>> Child of the reason for the Occupy Wall Street movement. >>>> >>>> Let's not forget, my "libelous" writing of March 2005 was >>>> the first to publicly expose how ACOEM, VeriTox and the US >>>> Chamber were connected in mass marketing the false concept >>>> into public health, workers comp and to the courts that it >>>> had been scientifically proven, "Thus the notion that >>> toxic >>>> mold is an insidious secret killer, as so many media and >>>> trial lawyers would claim is Junk Science unsupported by >>>> (cough, cough) actual scientific study." The next time it >>>> was written of, was on the front page of the Wall Street >>>> Journal. >>>> >>>> Personally, I think they must have lost their minds at 455 >>>> Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA. Aka home of the CA >>>> Judicial Council and the CA Commission on Judicial >>>> Performance, if they think they can sweep this one under >>>> the jailhouse rug. >>>> >>>> Its billions in the defrauding of the public, aided by >>>> leaders of the CA courts, by criminal means for now over >>>> six years.
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