Re: UPDATE/ Sharon Kramer Court File
Posted by Court Group on 12/27/13
Its Is Very Apparent Ms Kramer is Mentally Ill she constantly tries to tie anything she can to her Idea she has a Solution to An Issue When in REALITY its very apparent she is delusional and severely Mentally Ill. Her delusional Statements that peoples illnesses are related to statements show How Mentally Unstable she is, that she thinks she solely can solve An issue Well her ongoing Mental Health Care needs Upgrading to Permanent Inpatient Locked down Environs so that the public will no longer be subjected to her written and spoken delusions, Her alleged court issues will come to an end as the court will order her to a locked facility where we the public will then NO LONGER have to put up with her diatribes and delusions. Then The Public will no longer be disturbed because they Know she will then be permently Locked away And her family has also said they will be very Grateful that the courts have finally taken her and ensured they too will NOT have to endure her mental health diatribes that instead she will only talk to her own 4 walls with the assurance she will not have public contact in the future Isn't That Indeed the Best Gift the Calif Courts can give The public IE ridding the public of Kramer and her Psychiatric issues. Our Tax Dollars are spent well in doing This; After all She is a very deranged person who needs Confinment with No public Contact Ever again
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