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    Post: UPDATE??? Bruce Kelman v. Sharon Kramer

    Posted by Sharon Kramer on 7/08/12

    Someone sent me this 6/29 post on ToxLaw yesterday.

    Annonymous poster (who appears to have possibly been drunk
    posting on a Friday night), claims the courts have found me
    mentally incompetent, a criminal and will be sending me
    away for a long time (to conceal they already incarcerated
    me once, March 2012 for refusing to be coerced into perjury
    by signing a document which states, "I do not believe Dr.
    Kelman committed perjury". Then falsified the Sheriff dept
    record, April 2012, to conceal what they had unlawfully

    To my knowledge, I have not be charged with a crime, let
    alone found guilty of one. However, I wouldn't know for
    certain. I did not attend the June 25, 2012 trial. I did
    not receive notification that there even was such a trial
    being held on June 25th until June 28th.

    Looks to me like this "court house friend" may be tipping
    back a few on a Friday night out of concern for what
    happens to court personnel who falsify court documents -
    and aid to unlawfully incarcerate a US citizen who refuses
    to commit perjury which would have aided the defrauding of
    the public over the mold issue, and absolved seven years of
    plaintiff, plaintiff counsel, clerk and judiciary

    This has been going on for over seven years. You would
    think by now that the courts understand I have no intention
    of shutting up of how their unlawful actions have aided the
    defrauding of the public by rewarding Kelman's perjury to
    establish false theme for malice as they framed me for
    libel over the first public writing (mine) of how it became
    a fraud in public health policy that it was scientifically
    proven moldy buildings do not harm.

    Kelman committed perjury in the malicious litigations. The
    courts suppressed the evidence of it. I got sent to jail
    for refusing to sign a piece of paper which states, "I do
    not believe Dr. Kelman committed perjury". Hell yes he
    did - and I am not shutting up. Too many lives hang in the

    So here is what tipsy Court HOUSE FRIEND posted. Let's
    hope they are not correct:

    Re: Update
    Posted by Court HOUSE FRIENDS on 6/29/12
    NOW its final Sharon is BARRED fowever by court Order from
    continueing her UNFOUNDED and UNBASED accusations / The
    has RULED she is not only wrong but has severe Psych issues
    and has ordered her to pay for all her illegal activities.
    Hopefully from this her family will force her into a
    Psychiatric facility for longterm care after she serves her
    jail time for her latest criminal activities/ Enjoy your
    time at the California Public facilities where you have
    earned your latest vacation retreat sharon Rememer as they
    say they are Condos designed to last a lifetime with Bars
    in every Room and in some case have a great view of the
    pacific ocean ( if you happen to get a condo nead a water
    location such as in San Francisco However we understand
    your reservation has been arranged for a desert Location

    NOW its final Sharon is BARRED fowever by court Order from continueing her UNFOUNDED and UNBASED accusations / The Judge has RULED she is not only wrong but has severe Psych issues and has ordered her to pay for all her illegal activities. Hopefully from this her family will force her into a Psychiatric facility for longterm care after she serves her jail time for her latest criminal activities/ Enjoy your time at the California Public facilities where you have earned your latest vacation retreat sharon Rememer as they say they are Condos designed to last a lifetime with Bars in every Room and in some case have a great view of the pacific ocean ( if you happen to get a condo nead a water location such as in San Francisco However we understand your reservation has been arranged for a desert Location ">
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