Re: UPDATE??? Bruce Kelman v. Sharon Kramer
Posted by Courthouse Gang on 7/09/12
When are you going to pay the $8,400 you owe our friend, Bruce? On 7/08/12, Sharon Kramer wrote: > Someone sent me this 6/29 post on ToxLaw yesterday. > > Annonymous poster (who appears to have possibly been drunk > posting on a Friday night), claims the courts have found me > mentally incompetent, a criminal and will be sending me > away for a long time (to conceal they already incarcerated > me once, March 2012 for refusing to be coerced into perjury > by signing a document which states, "I do not believe Dr. > Kelman committed perjury". Then falsified the Sheriff dept > record, April 2012, to conceal what they had unlawfully > done. > > To my knowledge, I have not be charged with a crime, let > alone found guilty of one. However, I wouldn't know for > certain. I did not attend the June 25, 2012 trial. I did > not receive notification that there even was such a trial > being held on June 25th until June 28th. > > Looks to me like this "court house friend" may be tipping > back a few on a Friday night out of concern for what > happens to court personnel who falsify court documents - > and aid to unlawfully incarcerate a US citizen who refuses > to commit perjury which would have aided the defrauding of > the public over the mold issue, and absolved seven years of > plaintiff, plaintiff counsel, clerk and judiciary > misconduct. > > This has been going on for over seven years. You would > think by now that the courts understand I have no intention > of shutting up of how their unlawful actions have aided the > defrauding of the public by rewarding Kelman's perjury to > establish false theme for malice as they framed me for > libel over the first public writing (mine) of how it became > a fraud in public health policy that it was scientifically > proven moldy buildings do not harm. > > Kelman committed perjury in the malicious litigations. The > courts suppressed the evidence of it. I got sent to jail > for refusing to sign a piece of paper which states, "I do > not believe Dr. Kelman committed perjury". Hell yes he > did - and I am not shutting up. Too many lives hang in the > balance. > > So here is what tipsy Court HOUSE FRIEND posted. Let's > hope they are not correct: > > > 37.13.html > > Re: Update > Posted by Court HOUSE FRIENDS on 6/29/12 > NOW its final Sharon is BARRED fowever by court Order from > continueing her UNFOUNDED and UNBASED accusations / The > Judge > has RULED she is not only wrong but has severe Psych issues > and has ordered her to pay for all her illegal activities. > Hopefully from this her family will force her into a > Psychiatric facility for longterm care after she serves her > jail time for her latest criminal activities/ Enjoy your > time at the California Public facilities where you have > earned your latest vacation retreat sharon Rememer as they > say they are Condos designed to last a lifetime with Bars > in every Room and in some case have a great view of the > pacific ocean ( if you happen to get a condo nead a water > location such as in San Francisco However we understand > your reservation has been arranged for a desert Location
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